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=The Royal Palace=
Placed in the Kingdom capital city, the Royal palace host the Regent. Here the Kingdom's future is decided, and foreign ambassadors and foreign delegations meet.
|Name=Royal Palace
|Storage= 100.000 kg
|RestFactor = 60
Placed in the Kingdom capital city, the Royal palace hosts the [[Regent]]. Here the Kingdom's future is decided, and foreign ambassadors and foreign delegations meet.
=Public links=
=Common links=
==Offers to the Kingdom==
==Offers to the Kingdom==
By using this function you can make offers to the Kingdom and deposit some items in the Royal Palace storage.
By using this function you can make offers to the Kingdom and deposit some items in the Royal Palace storage.
==Access to the Kingdom Hall (Chat)==
You can access the Kingdom Hall and talk with the Regent. You will need to know the secret password in order to access the Hall.
==The Throne Room==
==The Throne Room==
By selecting this function, you can enter in the Throne Room. If the Kingdom does not have a Regent you can become the Regent by donating a certain sum of money and fullfill some requirements:
By selecting this function, you can enter the Throne Room. If the Kingdom does not have a Regent you can become the Regent by donating a certain sum of money and fulfill some requirements:
# Be at least 90 days old
# Be at least 90 days old
Line 19: Line 23:
# Own a certain amount of money
# Own a certain amount of money
===Money required to become a Regent===
To become a Regent of a Kingdom the following silver coins are required:
To become a Regent of a Kingdom the following money are required:
    [Kingdom_owned_regions] * 250 + 1500
<div class='normalbox'>
==Declare revolt==
[Kingdom_owned_regions] * 250 + 1500
By selecting this function, you can declare [[Revolting|Revolution]]
To become a Regent of Stato Pontificio, the following money are required:
<div class='normalbox'>
[Kingdom_owned_regions] * 250 + 10000
=Reserved Links=
=Reserved Links=
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You can see what's stored in the Royal Palace and take stored items.
You can see what's stored in the Royal Palace and take stored items.
* Storage capacity — 10,000 kg (10 tons)
==Royal Registry==
From the Royal Registry you can access different functions:
==Hostile Actions==
===Declaring war===
The Regent can declare an hostile action against another kingdom. For the moment it's only possible to raid other kingdoms. The Regent then has 24 hours to cancel the declaration. After 24 hours it won't be possible to cancel the declaration, and the other Regent will be informed.
A Regent of Kingdom A (Allied with Kingdoms B and C) may declare war to another Kingdom D (Allied with Kingdoms E and F).
Displays all Kingdom's Vassals. From this page you can:
* Write a scroll
* Assign them the control of a region
Conditions to launch a war are:
# Kingdom A must-have required funds in Royal Palace;
# Kingdom A and its allies are not currently engaged in any war;
# Kingdom A and its allies have not been in a war in the last 48 hours;
# Kingdom A should be HOSTILE to D for at least 48 hours;
# Kingdom D and its allies are not currently engaged in any war.
* Declaring war is a unilateral act and does not need to be confirmed;
* When a war is declared, A, B, C, D, E, F may launch attacks but only after 48h from war declaration;
* When a war is declared and until it is finished, Kingdoms cannot modify diplomacy relations.
Kingdom A is allied with (B, C), D is allied with (E, F). A declares war to D.
* A,B,C,D,E,F are involved in the war;
* Diplomacy for A,B,C,D,E,F is locked until war finishes;
* A,B,C,D,E,F may not modify diplomacy relations until war finishes;
* A,B,C,D,E,F may launch attacks after 48h from war declaration.
During the war, B may exit from Alliance (A, B, C). This does not mean that B cannot be attacked, because is still involved in the war. Alliance (A, C) may not modify diplomacy relations until the War is finished.
===Costs of a war===
The cost for a Kingdom that declares war is '''3.000 silver coins''' just for declaration plus '''0.4 silver coin''' per citizen (older than “minimum age to fight” days and active in the last 48 hours) of attacking kingdoms (allies included).
Kingdom A (B, C) declares war to Kingdom D (E, F). Kingdom A has 50 citizens, Kingdom B 30 and Kingdom C 20.
Costs of war for Kingdom A will be:
1st day: 3.000 sc
2nd day = 0.4*100 = 40 sc
3rd day = 80 sc
4th day = 120 sc
===Launching Attacks===
When a war is declared, all the kingdoms engaged in war (in this case A, B, C, D, E, F) may launch attacks but only '''after 48h from war declaration''' have passed. When a war is declared it is possible to launch the following attacks: [[Conquering Region]] and [[Raiding Region]]. It is always possible to launch the [[Conquering Independent Region]] attack.
A Kingdom can launch an attack towards another Kingdom if they are involved in the same war and at least 48h has passed from the declaration of war.
For the Kingdom that declared war and its allies, launching an attack is free. For the defending kingdoms, it costs '''1000 silver coins per attack'''.
=== Joining a Battlefield ===
A soldier will be able to join a battlefield in ATTACK (Kingdom A (B, C) against Kingdom D (E, F)) if:
# The soldier is born a citizen of Kingdom A or became a citizen of Kingdom A for more than 30 days;
# The soldier is born a citizen of Kingdom B, C or became citizen of Kingdom B, C for more than 30 days
The same logic applies for defense.
===Ending a war===
''Note: The game will check if there are any open and unresolved battlefields.  If there is an open battlefield that hasn't been resolved you will not be able to end the war until after.  This check should not count declared attacks without open battlefields.''
A War may end for the following reasons:
# The Kingdom that launched the war may end it by using the option in Royal Palace;
# There is not sufficient money in the royal palace when the system will check and apply war costs daily;
# 21 days passed from the beginning of the war.
  Points 2 and 3 are controlled by an action that starts every day at 18:20 Server Time.
All the pending battles will be terminated.  Pending battles are those that have been declared, but no battlefield has opened up yet.
Any kingdoms involved as the attackers in a war will not be able to declare a new one '''for 48 hours'''.  This does not apply to the defenders.
== War Schedule ==
Note: Only the red portion of the graph matters.  The Green part is a space filler. 
== Extended Rules ==
*Kingdoms involved in a circle war (The same group of Kingdoms attacking/defending against each other over and over) is not allowed. Such wars will be ended by the administration.  All Kingdoms involved in such will be fined 10,000 silver.  Repeated offenses will have the regents banned. 
*Defining a circle war: Kingdom A,B,C attacks Kingdom D,E,F.  The war ends, Kingdoms D,E,F turns around and attacks Kingdoms A,B,C.  Revenge, the war ends.  Kingdoms A,B,C declares war on D,E,F, and now we are in a circle.  It doesn't matter who among the alliance declares as the circle becomes complete rather quickly.
*Kingdoms doing land exchanges should make a post on the forum (You may already have declared war) before the first attack for the region.  The post should be on the forums in RP - International »[English] Town Crier
== Set Diplomacy Relations==
===View and Modify Kingdom Diplomacy Relations===
The Regent can see current diplomacy relations and change them. [[Diplomacy|More information on Diplomacy]].
===Give Access Permit===
A Regent can assign access permits to individuals. This will give them permission to enter the Kingdom even though there is a diplomatic agreement that does not allow access. The permit has a 24-hour validity and requires a [[Paper]] and a [[Wax Seal]].
== Declare Kingdom Laws==
From this tab, the Regent may declare, modify, and cancel Kingdom Laws. For details and rules about declaring Laws check [[Rules for Writing Laws|here]]. A regent can edit a law before 72 hours from the last modification are passed. The law grace period will be 3 days starting from the last modification time.
== List Appointed Vassals ==
By using this function you will be able to display all Kingdom [[Vassal]]s and:
* Write to them
* Assign them a region
* Revoke the role
* Revoke the role
==Assign Roles==
=== Appoint Vassals===
From here the Regent can appoint a Vassal.
You can appoint a Vassal that will control a Castle and eventually some Regions. Dismissing or assigning a government role will cost some Silver Coins. Resigning from the role is free of charge. See [[Appoint/Removal Costs]] for details.
You can set kingdom taxes.
Now it's possible to configure the following taxes:
== Assign Noble and Royal Titles==
* Property tax
The Regent with this function is able to list the Assigned Role Play Titles, Assign them and Revoke them. There is a limit on the number of assignments per structure:
* Selling tax
===The Property tax===
The Tittles which can only be assigned to one person :
* 1 [[Prince]]
The Tittles which can be assigned to more than one person ((Based on Castles number)) :
* 1 [[Duke]]
* 1 [[Marquis]]
* 1 [[Count]]
* 1 [[Viscount]]
* 2 [[Baron]]
The Regent can configure the percentage on how much the Royal Palace will get from a property purchase. If a citizen or a foreigner buys a terrain, a shop, or a farmer's license (to breed farm animals), the configured percentage will go into the Royal Palace inventory. The remaining sum will go into the Castle's inventory. The percentage is computed on only the 75% of the sum paid by the citizen because of some administrative and maintenance expenses.
== Assign The Administrative Titles==
The Regent with this function is able to list the Assigned Role Play Titles, Assign them and Revoke them. There is a limit on the number of assignments per structure:
King configures the Property tax to 80%. A citizen buys a terrain for 100 coins.
* 1 [[Chancellor]]
* 1 [[Seneschal]]
* 1 [[Constable]]
* 1 [[Chamberlain]]
* 1 [[Treasurer]]
* 1 [[Chaplain]]
* 3 [[Ambassador]]s
The Total tax will be 75 coins.
== Configure Tax Distribution Rule==
* The Castle will get 75 coins * 20% = 15 coins.
By using this function a Regent can configure the Tax Distribution Rule. Tax Distribution Rule can go from 0% to 100% and determines how much percentage of Regional Taxes goes to Royal Palace or the Castle treasury.
* The Royal Palace will get 75 coins * 80% = 60 coins.
'''Example 1:'''
House of level 1 is 360 s.c. Region of Orvieto set property tax for houses 0% for citizens. The distribution rule is 70% to the royal palace, 30% to the castle.
A citizen will be able to buy the house for 360 s.c. Castle and Royal Palace will get 0 s.c.  
===The Selling Tax===
'''Example 2:'''
The Regent can configure the percentage of the selling tax (set by the Vassal) that will go into the Royal Palace inventory.
House of level 1 is 360 s.c. Region of Orvieto set property tax for houses. 5% for citizens. The distribution rule is 70% to the royal palace, 30% to the castle.
The tax affects selling of houses, shops, terrain and items sold in the market.
A citizen will be able to buy the house for 378s.c. Royal Palace will get 12.6 s.c. and Castle 5.4 s.c.
== Publish Announcements==
King configures the tax at 60%, the vassal at 10. If an item is bought on the market for 100 coins:
From here the Regent can publish a Government announce or set the Kingdom Welcome message.
* Seller will get 90 coins.
===Welcome message===
* Royal palace will get 6 coins.
* Castle will get 4 coins.
A Regent will be able to create or modify a welcome message. An automatic mail with the welcome message is sent to every newborn citizen.
From here the Regent can publish a Government announce. All citizens will be able to see the Announcements page after login. It's possible to edit the message upto 24 hours after the first Publication.
==Kingdom Projects==
See [[En_US_Kingdom_Projects|Building Projects]].
A king can write an announcement. All citizens will be able to see the Announcements page after login. It's possible to edit the message up to 24 hours after the first publication.
== Manage Kingdom Projects==
A regent can start a Kingdom project and choose to build a structure in a region. Possible choices are:
* [[Academy]]
* [[Training Grounds]]
* [[Castle]]
For more details, see [[Kingdom_(Community)_Projects]].
== View Accountancy Reports==
The Regent can view some accountancy reports in the Royal Chancellery.
===Kingdom Resources===
==Resource Report==
Through this report compiled by his accountants, the Regent can view the Kingdom's resources including how these resources are distributed amongst the various governmental structures.
Through this report compiled by his accountants, the Regent can view the Kingdom's resources including how these resources are distributed amongst the various governmental structures.
==Property Report==
===Kingdom Basic Resources===
Through this report compiled by his accountants, the Regent can view the Kingdom's Basic resources status.
===Property Report===
With this report, a Regent knows who owns properties in his Kingdom.
With this report, a Regent knows who owns properties in his Kingdom.
== Rest==
The Regent can rest in the Royal Palace. See Resting Factor value [[en_US_RestFactor|here]].
The Regent can rest in the Royal Palace. For further details, see [[Resting]].
=Related Bonuses=
If a Royal Palace exists it gives:
  60 cents/day * number of castles * each player that is alive and active in the last 48 hours in the Kingdom.
The money will be deposited into the Royal Palace Treasure.
[[Category: Structures]]

Latest revision as of 19:35, 18 May 2020

Royal Palace
Owner: Regent
Storage: 100.000 kg
Rest Level: 60

Placed in the Kingdom capital city, the Royal palace hosts the Regent. Here the Kingdom's future is decided, and foreign ambassadors and foreign delegations meet.

[edit] Public links

[edit] Offers to the Kingdom

By using this function you can make offers to the Kingdom and deposit some items in the Royal Palace storage.

[edit] The Throne Room

By selecting this function, you can enter the Throne Room. If the Kingdom does not have a Regent you can become the Regent by donating a certain sum of money and fulfill some requirements:

  1. Be at least 90 days old
  2. Having at least a charisma 16
  3. Own a certain amount of money

To become a Regent of a Kingdom the following silver coins are required:

   [Kingdom_owned_regions] * 250 + 1500

[edit] Declare revolt

By selecting this function, you can declare Revolution

[edit] Reserved Links

[edit] Inventory

You can see what's stored in the Royal Palace and take stored items.

  • Storage capacity — 10,000 kg (10 tons)

[edit] War

[edit] Declaring war

A Regent of Kingdom A (Allied with Kingdoms B and C) may declare war to another Kingdom D (Allied with Kingdoms E and F).


Conditions to launch a war are:

  1. Kingdom A must-have required funds in Royal Palace;
  2. Kingdom A and its allies are not currently engaged in any war;
  3. Kingdom A and its allies have not been in a war in the last 48 hours;
  4. Kingdom A should be HOSTILE to D for at least 48 hours;
  5. Kingdom D and its allies are not currently engaged in any war.


  • Declaring war is a unilateral act and does not need to be confirmed;
  • When a war is declared, A, B, C, D, E, F may launch attacks but only after 48h from war declaration;
  • When a war is declared and until it is finished, Kingdoms cannot modify diplomacy relations.


Kingdom A is allied with (B, C), D is allied with (E, F). A declares war to D.

  • A,B,C,D,E,F are involved in the war;
  • Diplomacy for A,B,C,D,E,F is locked until war finishes;
  • A,B,C,D,E,F may not modify diplomacy relations until war finishes;
  • A,B,C,D,E,F may launch attacks after 48h from war declaration.


During the war, B may exit from Alliance (A, B, C). This does not mean that B cannot be attacked, because is still involved in the war. Alliance (A, C) may not modify diplomacy relations until the War is finished.

[edit] Costs of a war

The cost for a Kingdom that declares war is 3.000 silver coins just for declaration plus 0.4 silver coin per citizen (older than “minimum age to fight” days and active in the last 48 hours) of attacking kingdoms (allies included).


Kingdom A (B, C) declares war to Kingdom D (E, F). Kingdom A has 50 citizens, Kingdom B 30 and Kingdom C 20.

Costs of war for Kingdom A will be:

1st day: 3.000 sc

2nd day = 0.4*100 = 40 sc

3rd day = 80 sc

4th day = 120 sc

[edit] Launching Attacks

When a war is declared, all the kingdoms engaged in war (in this case A, B, C, D, E, F) may launch attacks but only after 48h from war declaration have passed. When a war is declared it is possible to launch the following attacks: Conquering Region and Raiding Region. It is always possible to launch the Conquering Independent Region attack.

A Kingdom can launch an attack towards another Kingdom if they are involved in the same war and at least 48h has passed from the declaration of war.

For the Kingdom that declared war and its allies, launching an attack is free. For the defending kingdoms, it costs 1000 silver coins per attack.

[edit] Joining a Battlefield

A soldier will be able to join a battlefield in ATTACK (Kingdom A (B, C) against Kingdom D (E, F)) if:

  1. The soldier is born a citizen of Kingdom A or became a citizen of Kingdom A for more than 30 days;
  2. The soldier is born a citizen of Kingdom B, C or became citizen of Kingdom B, C for more than 30 days

The same logic applies for defense.

[edit] Ending a war

Note: The game will check if there are any open and unresolved battlefields. If there is an open battlefield that hasn't been resolved you will not be able to end the war until after. This check should not count declared attacks without open battlefields.

A War may end for the following reasons:

  1. The Kingdom that launched the war may end it by using the option in Royal Palace;
  2. There is not sufficient money in the royal palace when the system will check and apply war costs daily;
  3. 21 days passed from the beginning of the war.
  Points 2 and 3 are controlled by an action that starts every day at 18:20 Server Time.

All the pending battles will be terminated. Pending battles are those that have been declared, but no battlefield has opened up yet.

Any kingdoms involved as the attackers in a war will not be able to declare a new one for 48 hours. This does not apply to the defenders.

[edit] War Schedule


Note: Only the red portion of the graph matters. The Green part is a space filler.

[edit] Extended Rules

  • Kingdoms involved in a circle war (The same group of Kingdoms attacking/defending against each other over and over) is not allowed. Such wars will be ended by the administration. All Kingdoms involved in such will be fined 10,000 silver. Repeated offenses will have the regents banned.
  • Defining a circle war: Kingdom A,B,C attacks Kingdom D,E,F. The war ends, Kingdoms D,E,F turns around and attacks Kingdoms A,B,C. Revenge, the war ends. Kingdoms A,B,C declares war on D,E,F, and now we are in a circle. It doesn't matter who among the alliance declares as the circle becomes complete rather quickly.
  • Kingdoms doing land exchanges should make a post on the forum (You may already have declared war) before the first attack for the region. The post should be on the forums in RP - International »[English] Town Crier


[edit] Set Diplomacy Relations

[edit] View and Modify Kingdom Diplomacy Relations

The Regent can see current diplomacy relations and change them. More information on Diplomacy.

[edit] Give Access Permit

A Regent can assign access permits to individuals. This will give them permission to enter the Kingdom even though there is a diplomatic agreement that does not allow access. The permit has a 24-hour validity and requires a Paper and a Wax Seal.

[edit] Declare Kingdom Laws

From this tab, the Regent may declare, modify, and cancel Kingdom Laws. For details and rules about declaring Laws check here. A regent can edit a law before 72 hours from the last modification are passed. The law grace period will be 3 days starting from the last modification time.

[edit] List Appointed Vassals

By using this function you will be able to display all Kingdom Vassals and:

  • Write to them
  • Assign them a region
  • Revoke the role

[edit] Appoint Vassals

You can appoint a Vassal that will control a Castle and eventually some Regions. Dismissing or assigning a government role will cost some Silver Coins. Resigning from the role is free of charge. See Appoint/Removal Costs for details.

[edit] Assign Noble and Royal Titles

The Regent with this function is able to list the Assigned Role Play Titles, Assign them and Revoke them. There is a limit on the number of assignments per structure:

The Tittles which can only be assigned to one person :

The Tittles which can be assigned to more than one person ((Based on Castles number)) :

[edit] Assign The Administrative Titles

The Regent with this function is able to list the Assigned Role Play Titles, Assign them and Revoke them. There is a limit on the number of assignments per structure:

[edit] Configure Tax Distribution Rule

By using this function a Regent can configure the Tax Distribution Rule. Tax Distribution Rule can go from 0% to 100% and determines how much percentage of Regional Taxes goes to Royal Palace or the Castle treasury.

Example 1:
House of level 1 is 360 s.c. Region of Orvieto set property tax for houses 0% for citizens. The distribution rule is 70% to the royal palace, 30% to the castle.
A citizen will be able to buy the house for 360 s.c. Castle and Royal Palace will get 0 s.c. 
Example 2:
House of level 1 is 360 s.c. Region of Orvieto set property tax for houses. 5% for citizens. The distribution rule is 70% to the royal palace, 30% to the castle.
A citizen will be able to buy the house for 378s.c. Royal Palace will get 12.6 s.c. and Castle 5.4 s.c.

[edit] Publish Announcements

From here the Regent can publish a Government announce or set the Kingdom Welcome message.

[edit] Welcome message

A Regent will be able to create or modify a welcome message. An automatic mail with the welcome message is sent to every newborn citizen.

[edit] Announcements

A king can write an announcement. All citizens will be able to see the Announcements page after login. It's possible to edit the message up to 24 hours after the first publication.

[edit] Manage Kingdom Projects

A regent can start a Kingdom project and choose to build a structure in a region. Possible choices are:

For more details, see Kingdom_(Community)_Projects.

[edit] View Accountancy Reports

The Regent can view some accountancy reports in the Royal Chancellery.

[edit] Kingdom Resources

Through this report compiled by his accountants, the Regent can view the Kingdom's resources including how these resources are distributed amongst the various governmental structures.

[edit] Kingdom Basic Resources

Through this report compiled by his accountants, the Regent can view the Kingdom's Basic resources status.

[edit] Property Report

With this report, a Regent knows who owns properties in his Kingdom.

[edit] Rest

The Regent can rest in the Royal Palace. For further details, see Resting.

[edit] Related Bonuses

If a Royal Palace exists it gives:

  60 cents/day * number of castles * each player that is alive and active in the last 48 hours in the Kingdom. 

The money will be deposited into the Royal Palace Treasure.

List of all Buildings an locations in game
Basic Resources ForestFish ShoalGold MineStone MineCoal MineWhite Sand CaveSalternClay MineIron Mine
Farms and Fields FieldCow FarmSheep FarmPigs FarmSilkworms FarmBees Farm
Shops InnBlacksmithCarpenterTailorHerbalistGoldsmithPotterDistillery
Government Structures Royal PalaceCastleVillageCourtBarracks and Prisons (Level 2)AcademyTraining GroundsTavernMarketHarborWatch Tower
Religious Structures Level 1 (Head Quarter) Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Other DumpBuilding SiteBattlefieldWellHouse
Related article Kingdom (Community) ProjectsStructure Control Requirements
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