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[edit] Resting in ME

Resting is a way to recuperate Energy. The necessary time span to recuperate energy depends on the Rest Factor. The Basic Package Bonus increases the Rest Factor (thus speeding Energy recovery) by 100%.

[edit] The Rest Factor

The Rest Factor depends on the following variables:

Rest Factor - 1.png

[edit] Structure Rest Factor

The Structure Rest Factor (SRF) is a Rest Factor linked to the structure (or Pro Cart). The more prestigious the structure is, the higher the SRF is.

[edit] Rest Factor formula

The Rest Factor is computed as follows:

  Rest Factor =  (Base_Rest_Factor ^ 0.2) * Structure_Rest_Factor *  ( 100 - (( 10 - Constitution )  * 1.9 ) )/100 *  ( 100 - (( 25 - Glut ) / 1.2 ))/100 ;

Where Base_Rest_Factor is:

  • 5 for Professional Cart
  • 1,8 for Free Tavern Rest and Native Village
  • 5 for all other structures

[edit] Rest Factor Reference Table

Name Base factor Structure Rest Level Rest Factor Rest Factor with Basic Bonus
Royal Palace 5 60 13,70 27,40
Holy See 5 60 13,70 27,40
Villa 5 56 13,51 27,03
Castle 5 30 11,93 23,86
Cardinal Palace 5 30 11,93 23,86
Big brick house 5 28 11,76 23,53
Little brick house 5 14 10,24 20,48
Bishop Palace 5 8 9,16 18,31
Big wooden house 5 7 8,92 17,83
Court 5 6 8,65 17,29
Barracks 5 4,5 8,16 16,32
Cathedral 5 4,5 8,16 16,32
Little wooden house 5 3 7,53 15,05
Tavern, paid rest 5 3 7,53 15,05
Hut 5 1,2 6,27 12,53
Tavern, free rest (1) 1,8 3 2,71 5,42
Native Village 1,8 1,8 2,45 4,89
Professional Cart 5 N/A 6,04 12,08

(1) If your character's age is less than 90 days you may sleep in a tavern for free but with Rest Factor equal to the paid rest.

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