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You can buy a license for one or more farms from the Castle grounds or the Village of your city/town. Now you can breed these animals to give to them the following items:


Basic population: 5 head; Daily feed: 1 Hay per head; Tools needed: Iron Bucket, Knife

Manure Heap (5 max per 3 day)
Source: Cows, Pigs and Sheep | Basic time: 3 day
Tool: Iron Bucket
Food neded: Hay (Cows and Sheep) or Wheat Bag (Pigs)
Secondary product: Milk (Cows and Sheep)
See Farm for details
Jar milk.png
Milk (30 max per 3 day)
Source: Cows and Sheep | Basic time: 3 day
Tool: Iron Bucket
Food neded: Hay
Secondary product: Manure Heap
See Farm for details
Leather piece.png
Leather Piece (50 max per 15 day)
Source: Cows | Basic time: 15 day
Tool: Knife
Food neded: Hay
See Farm for details


Basic population: 9 head; Daily feed: 1 Wheat Bag per head; Tools needed: Iron Bucket, Knife

Manure Heap (36 max per 3 day)
Source: Cows, Pigs and Sheep | Basic time: 3 day
Tool: Iron Bucket
Food neded: Hay (Cows and Sheep) or Wheat Bag (Pigs)
Secondary product: Milk (Cows and Sheep)
See Farm for details
Meat (108 for Pigs, 30 for Cows max per 15 day)
Source: Pigs or Cows | Basic time: 15 day
Tool: Knife
Food neded: Wheat Bag
See Farm for details


Basic population: 5 head; Daily feed: 1 Hay per head; Tools needed: Iron Bucket, Knife

Manure Heap (5 max per 3 day)
Source: Cows, Pigs and Sheep | Basic time: 3 day
Tool: Iron Bucket
Food neded: Hay (Cows and Sheep) or Wheat Bag (Pigs)
Secondary product: Milk (Cows and Sheep)
See Farm for details
Jar milk.png
Milk (20 max per 3 day)
Source: Cows and Sheep | Basic time: 3 day
Tool: Iron Bucket
Food neded: Hay
Secondary product: Manure Heap
See Farm for details
Wool yarn.png
Wool Yarn (65 max per 15 day)
Source: Sheep | Basic time: 15 day
Tool: Knife
Food neded: Hay
See Farm for details


Basic population: 200 head; Daily feed: 0.05 Mulberry Leaf per head (10 for 200); Tools needed: Iron Bucket

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-- Valkon


Basic population: 2000 head; Daily feed: 0.005 Flowers per head (10 for 2000); Tools needed: Mantis

Honey (20 max per 3 day)
Source: Bees | Basic time: 3 day
Tool: Bellow
Food neded: Flowers
See Farm for details
Wax piece.png
Wax (100 max per 15 day)
Source: Bees | Basic time: 15 day
Tool: Bellow
Food neded: Flowers
See Farm for details

Farm life-cycle

  1. When you buy animals, you get a farm with a maximum population. Animal health — "Excellent". Time of purchase the farm — the starting point for all life-cycle events
  2. After one day, the health of animals is reduced. Now you can feed them. If you do this, the health of animals will increase by one stage. If you do not feed the animals until the end of the "day", they can die.
    • Thus, you need to feed the animals once a day, but you can feed them twice during the real day. For example, the life of your farm started at 16:00. You can feed the animals at 15:00, wait for the next phase, and feed them at 16:01. In this case, the next "real" day feeding is not required.
  3. Every three days, you can collect resources from the farm (except silkworms)
  4. After 15 days of purchase, you can kill their animals for resources. For silkworm is the only way to get resources
  5. After 20 days of your farm and all its invetory disappear.

Feeding your animals

You need to feed daily your animals to keep them in a good shape. The satiation of the animals goes down 20 points per cent per day. If the health level goes under 80% there is a certain percentage that some of your animals will die.

Status Satiation Death percentage (of one animal, per day)
Excellent 80% — 100% 0%
Good 60% — 80% 6%
Not good 40% — 60% 17%
Poor 20% — 40% 33%
Very Bad < 20% 50%

The life cycle of a farm is 20 days long. Every 3 days it is possible to gather some products, (milk, honey etc). Starting from the 15th day it is possible to slaughter the livestock or to salvage the bee hive, and get some other products.

  1. It is important is to make sure you slaughter the animals and salvage the bee hive before the 20th day since after that day the license will expire and your farm will disappear.
  2. You will find the produced items in the breeding storage.

Fact Sheet

Cows Sheeps Pigs Silkworms Bees
Heads 5 5 9 200 2000
Food needed per head 1 hay bales 1 hay bales 1 wheat bag 0.05 mulberry leaf 0.005 flowers
Time to feed per head 15 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 27 seconds 5 seconds
Time to gather animals byproducts per head 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes Not appliable 5 seconds
Time to kill animals per head 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 27 seconds 5 seconds
Meat per head 0 0 18 0 0
Manure per head 1 1 4 0 0
Leather per head 10 0 0 0 0
Milk jar per head 6 4 0 0 0
Wool yarn per head 0 13 0 0 0
Silk per head 0 0 0 0.3 0
Honey jars per head 0 0 0 0 0.01
Wax per head 0 0 0 0 0.05

The Breeding actions


You should feed your animals every day.

  • Time Required: See fact sheet.
  • Requirement: Food
  • Time needed modifier: Dexterity


It is possible to gather some animal 'products' every three days. Products can be milk, manure or honey.


Grant profiles

A level 1 Breeding enables the Grant functionality. The owner will then be able to assign the following profiles:

List of all Buildings an locations in game
Basic Resources ForestFish ShoalGold MineStone MineCoal MineWhite Sand CaveSalternClay MineIron Mine
Farms and Fields FieldCow FarmSheep FarmPigs FarmSilkworms FarmBees Farm
Shops InnBlacksmithCarpenterTailorHerbalistGoldsmithPotterDistillery
Government Structures Royal PalaceCastleVillageCourtBarracks and Prisons (Level 2)AcademyTraining GroundsTavernMarketHarborWatch Tower
Religious Structures Level 1 (Head Quarter) Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Other DumpBuilding SiteBattlefieldWellHouse
Related article Kingdom (Community) ProjectsStructure Control Requirements
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