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The Academy

Academy 1.jpg
Owner: Academy Director
Titles: 1 Director Assistant
Storage: 10.000 kg
Rest Level: 6.74
Project Launch: Regent
Levels: 2

The Academy is managed by the Academy Director. In the Academy you can study and improve your skills.

Currently the following courses are available:

  • Retorica and Grammar (Increases Carisma)
  • Logic, Arts and Literature (Increases Intelligence)

Following Skill Courses can be installed:

Public Links

By clicking this link you can donate some money or items to the Academy.


By clicking this link you will see some information about who founded the Academy and who contributed to build it.




By clicking this link you will be able to study to improve your attributes (intelligence or charisma) or gain skills. You can study the course at a level that will increase your current attribute value by 1. For example, if your carisma is one, you will be able to study a level 2 course. The time for completing a course increases directly with the level.

In order to learn a skill you will need to study or train a certain number of hours, depending on the number of skills you have.

The Academy Director should assure that the Academy has enough paper. A single piece of paper can be used for one hour of lesson. The Academy Director can deposit paper pieces in the Academy storage.



Reserved Links


You can see what's stored in the structure and take stored items.


Assign Noble Roles

You can view and assign titles.

Lessons Cost

In this page the Academy Director can set the Lessons Hourly Price.

Increase Level


RP Titles




List of all Buildings an locations in game
Basic Resources ForestFish ShoalGold MineStone MineCoal MineWhite Sand CaveSalternClay MineIron Mine
Farms and Fields FieldCow FarmSheep FarmPigs FarmSilkworms FarmBees Farm
Shops InnBlacksmithCarpenterTailorHerbalistGoldsmithPotterDistillery
Government Structures Royal PalaceCastleVillageCourtBarracks and Prisons (Level 2)AcademyTraining GroundsTavernMarketHarborWatch Tower
Religious Structures Level 1 (Head Quarter) Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Other DumpBuilding SiteBattlefieldWellHouse
Related article Kingdom (Community) ProjectsStructure Control Requirements
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