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Dogma Bonuses

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Dogmas are a set of bonuses that a Church leader can 'buy' by using Faith Points. These bonus may give extra abilities to Church Clergy or to followers and define the Church purpose and alignment. In order for those Dogmas to be available and work, the religious Headquarter needs to hold a Relic


Dogma Heal Thy Neighbor

The Bonuses of this Dogma aims to heal and cure other characters. All the Churches will have by default the BASE abilities to cure health and diseases, while the EXTENDED abilities should be earned.

Dogma: Ora Et Labora

Blessings of the Artisans

By choosing this option you will grant to the Followers a Time Bonus on Crafting and the chance to own a Second shop.

Time Bonus

All the followers will receive a Bonus on the crafting time of:

  30% * Follower Faith Level%


Crafting the bread requires 216 minutes. A follower with 90% Faith Level will craft bread in 216 * (100% - (30%*90%)) = 73%*216 = 157 minutes.

Second Shop

All the followers with a Faithful Badge Level 3 (or greater) will be able to purchase a second shop.

Blessings of the Miners

By choosing this option you will give to all the followers a Time Bonus on mining/extracting resources and Resource Insight.

Time Bonus

All the followers will receive a Bonus on the crafting time of:

  30% * Follower Faith Level%

Example: Digging requires a Base time of 3 hours. A follower has 75% Faith level. The Follower (Excluding other Bonuses and the Attribute impact, will dig in 3h * (1 - (75%*30%)) = 3h * (0.775) = 2.32h

Resource Insights

Followers with at least Faithful Badge Level 3 will be able to see the Resource Type and Level of adjacent regions while Followers with Faithful Badge Level 5 will be able to see the Resource Type and Level of all regions.


Dogma: Meditation is everything

Focus and learn

By choosing this option the followers will be able to train and study at the Training Grounds and Academy with a bonus on needed time decreased by:

  10% for each Faith Badge Level * Faith Level %

Meditate and defend yourself

By choosing this option every followers will be able to choose the Fight Mode between normal and defensive.

  This option is currently disabled because needs rebalancement

Dogma: Death toThe Infidels

This Dogma include the following options:

Damnation to the infidels

By choosing this option all followers of the chosen faith will suffer a 25% malus on their energy and glut recuperation rate

Kill the infidels

By choosing this option there will be an option in the battlefield screen that allows the player to choose between normal and attack Fight Mode.

  This option is currently disabled because it needs to be rebalanced.
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