Fight Mode
With the Dogma Bonuses Meditate and Hate the infidels, followers of the faith that has the Bonus can choose between different fight modes on a battlefield.
[edit] Meditate
With this bonus there will be an option in the battlefield screen that allows the player to choose between normal and defensive fight mode. If defend is chosen the following changes apply:
- Damage: Reduced by 50 * (100 - Faith Level *30%)%
- Defense: Augmented by (100 * Faith Level)%
- Energy: Consumption reduced by (75 * Faith Level%)%
Guglielmo has 10 attack and 6 defense and has 50 Faith Level. Guglielmo wears a helmet with defense 2. Guglielmo wears leather boots with defense 1.
If he fights in Defend mode and he has the bonus Meditate And Defend:
- Damage will be reduced by 50 * (100 - 50*30%) = 50% * 85% = 42,5%, new damage => 5,75
- Defense factor will be increased by (100 * 50%)% = 50% New defense helmet = 3, new defense leather boots = 1,5.
- Energy consumption decreased by (75 * 50%)% = 37,5% less.
[edit] Hate the infidels
With this bonus there will be an option in the battlefield screen that allows the player to choose between normal and attack fight mode. If attack mode is chosen the following changes apply:
- Damage: Augmented by 150 * Faith Level%
- Defense: Reduced by 30*(100 - Faith Level *30%)%
- Energy: Consumption augmented by 30*(100 - Faith Level *30%)%
Guglielmo has 10 attack and 6 defense and has 50 Faith Level. Guglielmo wears a helmet with defense 2. Guglielmo wears leather boots with defense 1.
If he fights in Attack mode and he has the bonus Kill the Infidels:
- Damage will be augmented by 150 * 50% = 75%, new damage => 17,5
- Defense factor will be reduced by (30 * 50%)% = 15%, new defense helmet = 1,7, new defense leather boots = 0,85.
- Energy consumption will be augmented by 30* (100-15%) = 25,5%