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Beginner Guide for Newbies

From Medieval Europe
Revision as of 21:10, 27 March 2013 by Arrigo Lorentio (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to ME

Welcome to the Medieval Europe of this Role Play Game, here you will make your way through a world of chances, abuses, corruption, justice; and you will have to quickly find the path that suits you best. Still didn't find one? Build your own. Because in ME everything is possible, everything.

But let's take a step back and see what happens before you enter our world:

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This is the first choice you will have to face in your whole new life. First your given name and family name: remember, you're a medieval villager, not a present hipster, so please choose a name that suits the situation, avoiding famous historical people's name!

Secondly your culture and sex. Those may not be your real features (If I'm an italian male I may choose a Scottish girl in the game) and it won't influence our gameplay, it is purely preferential.

Finally you will have to choose your kingdom of birth. Make this choice carefully as not every kingdom takes care of its new people the same way, but keep in mind you may change it later too. To see what the kingdom has to say click on the link "Kingdom Information".

Afterwards you'll jump deeper in the game play and have to make your first important decision: Skill points.

Skill points

You will have 40 Skill Points to divide into:

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Choose carefully as you will be able to change them only once, after your birth and within 30 days. For further redistributions a fee of 200 Doubloons will have to be paid!

First Steps of your new Character!

Now that you're done setting up your Character infos, you might want to get started. Firstly you will face a ME admins message that redirect you to useful pages on this Wiki, secondly an automatic message set by the Regent of your kingdom will be sent you, to see this message and to access the messages system click on this:

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Afterwards you might want to start your new life, that's why you will have to work to earn some silver coins, that are the currency in the game. A job for the newborns is already here for you, at the Barracks & Prisons:

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To work, click on the link "Clean the prisons":

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The option x2 and x3 is a Bonus buyable with Doubloons (Gold coins), the Bonus currency of the game, click on those links to buy Doubloons (left) or to use them (Right). This option means that you will work three times automatically.

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Each time you work at the Barracks you will earn 5 Silver coins and 1 Bread to help you survive. In fact each day (at midnight) your Glut will bounce 16% back, to establish it back to 100% you'll need to eat some Food. You can see below your basic conditions:

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As you can see your Glut is not the only condition you will have to look after, your energy as well as your Glut will decrease at each action (except Resting) and your life will either after a fight, either if you're Glut reaches 0 and midnight comes.

Now that you're done setting up yourself you're on some Kingdom streets!

In the Region where you were born you will have a Hut, some coins to help you start (50 silver coins) and 5 bread loafs

The first thing to do is understand the basic dynamics of the Game:

  • Everyone eat, so Food is an important issue
  • Everyone need money to keep on living
  • Everyone should stay in touch with some friends or Representatives

As you were born a letter was sent you by your kingdom Regent, it is the highest charge of the whole kingdom and he/she will take the decisions about taxes, war strategies, treaties with other kingdoms, etc. You should immediately send a letter back to ask for basic infos. If they're not answering, try asking to the Region Vassal, that is the person who controls the region. Other people that might help you are other public charges such as the Judge (see Justice in ME) and the Guard captain (see: Barracks).

To start to be productive you might want to get a job. You can either work at the Barracks or look for the

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