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Premium Bonuses

From Medieval Europe
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Various bonuses can be purchased with Doubloons.


Basic Package Bonus

  • The time required to recuperate energy will be decreased by 50%
  • You can choose a title that will appear in front of your name.
  • Advertising banners won't be displayed.
  • The Meditation period, will be doubled (only for those who have a 30 day package and upwards).

Shared IP Check Protection Bonus

  • if more than one account is detected to share a connection, those with the bonus will not get banned from the game.

Travel Package Bonus

  • Land travel time is reduced by 50%
  • Access to sea and land Fast Track network is granted. Traveling by sea is free of charge, even when overloaded.

Worker Package Bonus

  • 50% of work time reduction
  • You can schedule working queues (x2 or x3)

SuperCart Bonus

  • A supercart can carry a maximum weight of 10.000 Kg and enables you to create a contract for 5 different types of objects. Highly recommended for merchants who have huge turnovers.

Upgrade Armory

lets the owner of a Prison and Barracks (level 2) send items to characters in other regions and appoint 5 assistants to do the same.

Professional Desk Bonus

  • Search messages by sender or recipient
  • Ability to store up to a maximum of 15 messages in your personal archive; These messages will be kept until the death of your Character
  • Ability to expand the archive


  • You can purchase a medieval style avatar by clicking below your Avatar image in your character's profile page.
  • You can also acquire the avatar of your choice from the avatar gallery by selecting your preferred image. Or you can order a personalized one, by opening a ticket on

Wardrobe Bonus

This bonus allows you to change the default clothes, armor and physical features with other images that you designed or with those that are available in Atelier.
If you wish to own exclusive pieces, the graphic artists at Medieval Europe will be more than willing to create designs based on your specifications.

Automated Rest Bonus

At the end of each action and if the player is offline, the character will eat until he is satiated and will rest automatically at the top Rest Factor.


Doubles Faith Point and Faith Level reward from praying.

Diamond Ring

A tradeable jewelry that improves Charisma +3 when worn and cannot be lost.

Elixir of Strength

This is a potion made with meat juice and alcohol. Raises +3 strength for 8 hours.

Elixir of Health

Made of Achillea and Coriander, tops up health.

Elixir of Dexterity

Made from a secret potion, makes more alert and focused.Raises +3 dexterity for 8 hours.

Elixir of Intelligence

Made from secret ingredients gives temporary sharpness and focus. Raises +3 dexterity for 8 hours. Affects: Critical hit chance.

Elixir of Constitution

Made from secret ingredients gives temporary robustness and solidity. Raises +3 constitution for 8 hours. Affects: Energy depletion, chance to lose an attribute, Number of consecutive hits.

Elixir of Stamina

Reduces energy consumption of 50% in battle for 3 hours. This will affect your number of consecutive attacks in a positive way.

Elixir of Cure Disease

Cures all sorts of diseases, but not Drunkenness.

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