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Revision as of 14:23, 11 March 2013

Item Category
bludgeon Weapon
boots Armor
bracelet_1 Jewel
bread Resource
brick Resource
cart_1 Resource
cart_3 Resource
chainmail Armor
cheese Resource
clay_piece Resource
coal_piece Resource
coppercoin Currrency
cotton_yarn Resource
crown_king_1 Jewel
doubloon Currrency
dyebowl Resource
elixirofmight Resource
fertilizer Resource
fish_soup Resource
fish Resource
fishing_net tool
flowers Resource
glassbulb Resource
gold_piece Resource
goldenbasin Resource
halberd Weapon
hammer Weapon
handaxe_blade Resource
handaxe Weapon
hatf_1 Dress
hatm_1 Dress
hay Resource
healing_pill Resource
hoe_blade Resource
hoe Weapon
honey Resource
hood Dress
hosem_1 Dress
hosem_2 Dress
iron_bucket tool
iron_helmet_1 Armor
iron_helmet_2 Armor
iron_legs_Armor_1 Armor
iron_normanshield_1 Armor
iron_piece Resource
iron_shield_1 Armor
iron_shoes_Armor_1 Armor
jar_milk Resource
knife_blade Resource
knife Weapon
leather_piece Resource
leather_trousers_1 Armor
leather_trousers_2 Armor
light_leather_Armor_1 Armor
linen_yarn Resource
longsword Weapon
mandragora Resource
mantis tool
manure Resource
meat_soup Resource
meat Resource
medherb Resource
medicalkit_paris Resource
medicalkit_rome Resource
medicalkit_turnu Resource
medmushroom Resource
mitra_paris Dress
mitra_rome Dress
mulberry_cake Resource
mulberry_leaf Resource
mulberry Resource
mysticrod_turnu Weapon
noblef_1 Dress
panzva_turnu Dress
paper_piece Resource
pastoral_paris Weapon
pastoral_rome Weapon
pickaxe_hardhead Resource
pickaxe Weapon
plate_Armor Armor
potion_health Resource
pottery Resource
rags_robe Dress
rags_shirt Dress
rags_trousers Dress
ringemerald Jewel
ringruby Jewel
ringsapphire Jewel
robe_1 Dress
salt_heap Resource
sand_heap Resource
Scroll_arrestwarrant Scroll
Scroll_conquerirorder Scroll
Scroll_deliverygoodscontract Scroll
Scroll_deliverygoodsnote Scroll
Scroll_generic Scroll
Scroll_propertylicense Scroll
seed_cotton Resource
seed_flowers Resource
seed_linen Resource
seed_medherb Resource
seed_mulberry Resource
seed_wheat Resource
shirtm_1 Dress
shirtm_2 Dress
shoesf_1 Dress
shoesm_1 Dress
short_sword Weapon
shovel Weapon
silk_yarn Resource
silvercoin Currrency
stinkingpoison specialitem
stone_piece Resource
tunic_church_level_1_paris Dress
tunic_church_level_1_rome Dress
tunic_church_level_1_turnu Dress
tunic_church_level_2_paris Dress
tunic_church_level_2_rome Dress
tunic_church_level_2_turnu Dress
tunic_church_level_3_paris Dress
tunic_church_level_3_rome Dress
tunic_church_level_3_turnu Dress
tunic_church_level_4_paris Dress
tunic_church_level_4_rome Dress
tunic_church_level_4_turnu Dress
veil Dress
waraxe Weapon
wax_piece Resource
waxseal Resource
wheat_bag Resource
widows_brew Resource
wood_dummy Resource
wood_piece Resource
wooden_normanshield_1 Armor
wooden_shield_1 Armor
wool_yarn Resource
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