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Mining Silver coins

From Medieval Europe
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If you would like to use a bit of your device CPU Time and want to help Medieval Europe to pay his server bills you can mine Silver coins. We believe this is a better alternative to ADS because:

  • its completely anonymous respect to very invasive ADS banners;
  • you can regulate your CPU usage (up to 50% we didn't see any performance downgrade);
  • you will help Medieval Europe to pay server costs;
  • you will contribute to strengthen Crypto Currency community.

If you want to mine silver coins, click the pickaxe icon on the right menu:


A new page will be opened on a separate page where you will be able to:

  • Start and stop mining;
  • Configure how much CPU you want to use (suggested: 30 – 75);
  • View your mining statistics;
  • Cash out silver coins.

You will receive 30 silver coins for each 1.000.000 Hashes accepted. You will be able to cash out when you will reach a threshold of 5 silver coins.


  • You can continue to play while mining silver coins. Your char won't be blocked by this action.
  • If you open several tabs on the browser you won’t increase your hashing power. To increase your hashing power and income, please use different devices.
  • The miner won’t start if you are using a device with a battery and the device is not attached to a electrical plug. (This is to avoid leaving you with a phone with an empty battery).


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