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En US TrainingGrounds

From Medieval Europe
Revision as of 11:12, 24 May 2011 by Sunchaser (Talk | contribs)

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The Training Grounds

The Training Grounds will have the following public links:

  • Donate
  • Info
  • Train

The Training Grounds will have the following private links:

  • Inventory
  • Manage

Function to donate items to the structure.


It will be possible to view general statistics on the building contribution. This page will also be a memento to thank the players who built the structure.


With a level 1 Training Grounds, three generic courses will be available:

  • Battle techniques-Power: increases strength
  • Battle techniques-Agility: increase dexterity
  • Weights: increase constitution

Each course has 20 levels that will raise the related stat to the level.

Example: If char has strength 14, he will be able to attend to course level 15 of Battle techniques-Power

Action is blocking and takes 3 glut per hour and 5 energy per hour.

   Canceling the action won’t refund the money and the hours will be wasted.


The Drill Master will be able put and withdraw items from structure's storage.


When the Training Grounds will be completed The Drill Master will manage it. He/She is appointed by the local Vassal. He would be able to:

  • Set hourly training costs for citizens and foreigners
  • Manage the Training Grounds inventory
   The Drill Master must insure that there is enough wooden dummies stocked in the inventory in order to 
   keep courses slots available.

Each wooden dummy will provide enough material for 60 hours of training. a Carpenter will be able to produce wooden dummies from wood.

Setting course price

The Drill Master will be able to set the hourly training cost (> 1) for both citizen and foreigners.

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