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Eastern Mystical Church Sacred Texts

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The Four Pillars INFOS

1) Salat: the good mystic follower must pray 5 times a week, including twice every Friday

2) Zakat: the good mystic follower above the age of 1 year should pay 1% of their wealth as alms

3) Sawn: the good mystic follower will abstain from alcohol, meat and fun in October

4) Hajj: the good mystic follower will make a pilgrimage to Cairo once a year

Region Headquarter:
Grand Imam
Primodor's Palace
Mufti's Palace
Grand Imam's Palace
Mystic Temple

This is the sacred text of the (Great) Mythos, The Source, the Creator, the Immortal and Everlasting, The Unborn and Undying, He who dwells in heaven, The last enigma, the last uncertainty, the Haze, the Unshaped (who shaped the world), The One who deserves all worship, He who is found in his houses and his scripture, He who can be found in everything, He who can be found through his sacred text, The Watcher, who sees it all.


[edit] In the beginning

The Mystical Unknowable Transcendent One, who exists beyond time, that One Who Cannot Be Named created the heavens and the earth. The Unknowable One created angels to rule the heavens and people to rule the earth.

The heavens were arranged in four spheres, Temperance, Prudence, Courage and Justice, each governed by an Archangel and influencing each of the four elements; Fire - Courage, Water - Temperance, Earth - Prudence and Air - Justice.

Some of the angels rebelled and created a fifth sphere; the realm of Darkness, led by the Prince of Darkness, who also led people to do evil and sin against the One who is Perfect Goodness, losing knowledge of the true way.

[edit] The life of the prophet Mustafà

Dohemai Abul-Kasim, called Mustafà the beloved (peace and blessings on him), was born in Cairo in the year of the elephant, so called because that year the enemy army wanted to destroy the city using elephants, but they knelt before the holy city. He grew up with merchants traveling extensively in Egypt and the Middle East, coming into contact with the theological people and followers of Deus, with whom he discussed religion.

He went to pray in the caves near Cairo and one night the archangel Temperance (peace over him), the one who had defeated the Prince of Darkness, appeared to him, with the tablets in his hands and orders him to read them, but he replied that he could not read. The archangel told him that he could read them, because that tables came directly from Who Cannot Be Named (Glory to Him the Highest), and He had chosen him (peace and blessing to him) to spread His word.

The cycle of 124,000 messengers (prophets of the One who deserves Worship, peace over all of them ) would end with him. Mustafà spread the uniqueness of the One who cannot be Known (Glory to him the Highest) in Cairo for ten years, of which people must absolutely submit and reject the other deities, creating a first community of faithful followers among the poor of Cairo.

Mustafà (Peace and blessings on him) preached the uniqueness of the One who cannot be Named (Glory to him the merciful), of his mercy he exhorts to penance and works of good, in anticipation of the end of time and the final judgment. These teachings made him enemies among the most powerful clans in Cairo who saw in him and in his preaching a threat.

On his 40th birthday, in the year of the sadness, Mustafà (peace and blessing to him) loses his wife and beloved uncle (that the One who cannot be Named is satisfied with them) , and the same night he travels with the archangel Justice on a winged white donkey to Jerusalem where he first prays in the temple of Al Aqsa along with all the existing prophets including Immanuel (peace and blessing to them).

Later, together with Justice, he came to the 4th heaven and spoke directly with the One who cannot be Named (Glory to him the Highest). The Mystic Transcendence One greets Mustafà so: “may peace be upon you, oh prophet, the mercy of the One who cannot be Named and His blessings be upon you, and may peace be upon all devoted servants”, and gave the holy tablets to Mustafà who replied “the messenger believes in what is written in the tables that the One who cannot be Named has given him, like all believers: everyone believes in the One who cannot be Named, in his angels, in his tablets, and in his messengers. We have listened and we obey, forgiveness, Mystic Transcendent Lord! It is to you that everything returns.”

Later Mustafà (peace and blessing upon him) asked to be able to pray only once a week instead of 50. In the end there was an agreement that the good mystical follower should pray at least 5 times a week (but if you feel the need you can pray even more) facing Cairo (in the beginning it was Jerusalem, but the inhabitants of Jerusalem refused the One who cannot be Named, then later the One who cannot be Named decreed that one should pray in the direction of Cairo) and then became where the relic is kept.

He asked Mustafa to have built in Cairo the Mystic Sacred Temple of the Four Pillars, where the great guardian who would later be called Primodor (blessing upon him), would guard the sacred Relic generously given to Mustafa (which from that day will be called Mustafa's Tablets). the One who cannot be Named promised all the faithful great benefits and blessings to those who prayed a lot, but woe betide if an unbeliever had entered the Holy City of Cairo, and curses would have fallen on all the faithful if the sacred relic had been stolen from the temple. The Great Mythos's wrath would be unleashed on all the faithful until the Relic returned to its place.

He who can be found through the Sacred Text, ordered that which at least once a year all people must go to Cairo, stone four times the Prince of Darkness , and then make seven prayers around the Mustafa’s tablets where today there is the Mystic Sacred Temple of the Four Pillars will be built. At the end of the cycle of the seven prayers he must touch the holy Relic that will absorb all his sins, guaranteeing heaven for a year in case of death, he must give alms to the poor, orphans and the mutilated and refrain from eating meat soups, drink alcohol and have any kind of pleasure for a month.

In the year a group of enemies of Mustafa plans to kill him for his subversive ideas, but the archangel Prudence sent by the One beyond Understanding, tells him in a dream to take refuge in Cyrene . That was the year of the Higra, the year in which the mystics point the calendar as year 0 Mustafa takes refuge in Cyrene for five years where many people believe in him and follow him and five years later returns victorious to Cairo where, thanks to the help of an army of angels led by Courage (give thanks to the Great Mythos for sending an army of angels to aid) Mustafa defeats his enemies and returns to his hometown, where revealed by the One who cannot be Named will be given the writings, laws and regulations in general.

In these revelations, that complete the four pillars in the Mustafa’s tablets, the One who cannot be Named decrees that mystical law (sharia) and reveals that those who fall in battle to defend mysticism will surely go to heaven. Every good mystical follower must spread the word of Mustafa (dawa) and must strive for mysticism to expand and prosper (jihad), as a prize will surely have paradise. Mustafa (peace and blessing upon him) dies in peace praying with his wife. His tomb is in Cyrene, and at the top of his tomb is written a phrase that summarizes the mystical creed: There is no divinity outside of the One who can not be named, and Mustafa is the envoy of the One who cannot be Named.

[edit] The Four Pillars

To become a mystic follower, the initialized must pronounce four times in front of the iman who introduces them to the creed the following formula: Who Cannot Be Named is great and Mustafa is (his) the messenger (prophet). After this, the follower must know from the iman the right way, the way of the four pillars; so the good mystic follower must follow the precepts of the four pillars:

They are:

1- The prayer (Salat): the good mystic follower must pray 5 times a week, including twice every Friday. Before praying the good mystic believer must wash their hands and feet, then during prayer the good mystic follower must turn the head towards Cairo.

2- Legal alms (zakat): The zakat represents a tax of 'purification', aimed at making lawful (halal) the enjoyment of one's own earnings. People younger of 1 years are not obliged to pay the zakat, the others will make donations to the mystic temple in proportion to their wealth (1% of their capital in silver coin).

3- Penitential fasting (sawn): during the month of October. During this month the good mystic follower will neither drink alcohol, eat meat soup nor have other type of fun.

4- The pilgrimage to Cairo (Hajj): Once a year the good mystic will do the pilgrimage in Cairo, where once there he will have to pray 7 times in the temple, stone 3 times the Prince of Darkness, turn 7 times around the tablets of Mustafa and finally touch them.

Touching Mustafa's tablets after praying 7 times, involves the elimination of all sins, and the security of being able to access paradise for a year, if the One who cannot be Known decides that we should end our earthly existence.

[edit] The duties of the good mystic follower

The good mystic, has the duty to make known to the whole world the truth and goodwill of the Unknowable One (Jihad). One day everyone will know and will adore the One who deserves all Worship (Dawa). If a true believer dies during the mission of Dawa he or she will earn eternity in Paradise.

Another duty of the good mystic follower is to pray and demonstrate to adore the Transcendent One; the more prayers will be made by the follower the greater will be the blessings and benefits that the Mystic Transcendent Unknowable One Who Cannot Be Named, Beyond Time and Beyond Understanding, will give.

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