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Guard Captain

From Medieval Europe
Revision as of 13:54, 15 November 2010 by Sunchaser (Talk | contribs)

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The Guard Captain

The Guard Captain (GC) is appointed by the Vassal, and is responsible for the city army. He works at the Barracks.

His main duties are:

  • Assuring King and Government charges safety
  • Managing Kingdom and city weapons and armors in a efficient way
  • Coordinating army/armies in case of attacks from other Kingdoms or if attacking
  • Taking note of citizen complaints, verify evidence and in case talk to the Magistrate to open a court case (see Magistrate for details
  • Investigate suspicious citizens


Guard Captain can freely open an investigation on a citizen or on a foreigner. To do this, he will have to click on the link Investigate that can be found near the character name in the page Player presently in the city. Once clicked, the Captain will have to specify the hours required to investigate the character. During all the investigation period and until the investigated remains in the same city, the Captain will get reports on the character activities:

02-11-1310, 11:14:12 You started investingating on Tester Ttt21.
02-11-1310, 11:17:51 Tester Ttt21 is mining.
02-11-1310, 14:17:51 Tester Ttt21 left the city.
02-11-1310, 18:18:31 You stopped investigating on Tester Ttt21.

Action details

Type: Blocking
Requested glut: 2 points per hour
Requested energy: 2 points per hour

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