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Kingdom: england

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Kingdom of England

The Kingdom of England resides on the island in the northwest corner of Medieval Europe. English is the primary language of the realm used by the citizenry and the government alike. However the population is rich in diversity, having citizens of English, American, Irish, Spanish, Belgian, Italian, Turk, Iranian, Indian, Russian, Greek decent and more. The country currently is made up of 23 different regions with two full cities in London and York with smaller settlements growing in Essex and Hampshire. It enjoys one of the strongest armies, the highest population, and one of the most progressive and active governments in Europe.

History of England

Map of England circa October 1313.

England was founded back before recorded time and was ruled by it's first monarch, King Corinthius Tyler. King Corinthius guided England from it's infancy to through the first Golden Age of England when the Kingdom controlled a large portion of the population of Europe while counting the Kingdoms of Aquitaine and Scotland as client states. The Tyler Regency withstood a revolt by Edmund Fitzlan (later King of Flanders) and the breaking of both clients states from their mother country with little trouble. A new age in Europe started in 1311 when new lands controlled by native factions appeared and were open to exploitation. However by this time King Corinthius had retired to his chamber high in the White Tower of London where few were allowed access and little governing was accomplished in his name. As his public appearances became fewer, many in the realm wondered if this "inactivity" was a symptom of a slow working fatal illness which would claim the monarch eventually. It was during this time that England's population began to wane and their position on the world stage faded from it's prior preeminence. Due to his poor health and the desire for England to be actively ruled, King Corinthius abdicated the throne in April of 1312, The Vassal of London Elizabeth Plantagenet ascended to the throne as Queen Elizabeth I.

Queen Elizabeth ruled England initially with great zeal, launching an offensive to conquer nearby regions of Salisbury and Hampshire from the natives as well as the far western regions along the Welsh Marshes of Perfed-Dwald and Powys. But the initial push was eventually halted and little more advancement was sought from the Palace. Some said that the Queen had succumbed to a similar ailment that had waylaid the former King. England's population slowly rose, but never did become quite what it was under King Corinthius.

England remained in this stasis of advancement until the end of June of 1313 when an invasion of Normans from the northern Mediterranean region of Savoy launched what is now known as "The War for the Crown". These Normans lead by King James Balliot of Savoy, landed in Wales and supported by the English born but now Welsh, King Andrew Naughton, advanced into England. The war lasted two weeks but ended on June 30th of 1313 with Queen Elizabeth deposed and King James I of England on the throne.

King James proceeded to advance England's fortunes with a policy of reform and investment into it's infrastructure, building many new structures and conquering most of the then native controlled island. A new social program called The Royal Society of Britain and a long sought after alliance of the nations of the British Isles soon followed. The lost religion of the Druids, ruthlessly stamped out by the Romans a millennium before, was revived with it's center in London. King James also began to publish a series of Messages to the English People with up to date news and commentary on what was happening in the country.

By the end of November 1313, the English Royal Army had completed the conquest of all the native regions remaining on the island and the War against the Natives, first started by King Corinthius, was finally completed.

England now finds itself in it's second Golden Age as the #1 nation in Europe in terms of population and organization, all due to the combined work of the new government in the White Tower of London and the stalwart English people.

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