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Joining a Faction

From Medieval Europe
Revision as of 09:28, 16 December 2017 by Sunchaser (Talk | contribs)

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Who can Join the Attack Faction?

Let's suppose that Kingdom A is attacking Kingdom C. These are the diplomacy relations:

  • Kingdom A is ALLIED to Kingdom B, Kingdom B is FRIENDLY with Kingdom A
  • Kingdom C is FRIENDLY to Kingdom D, Kingdom D is ALLIED with Kingdom D
  • Kingdom C is FRIENDLY to Kingdom E, E is ALLIED to Kingdom C and is ALLIED with Kingdom A

The following categories can join Attack Faction:

  • Citizens of Kingdom A (for at least 30 days);
   Currently ME Diplomacy Relations have two directions but what is evaluated by the engine is the diplomacy relation of the soldier Kingdom,
   so in this example, if a soldier of Kingdom B tries to join Attack faction he won't be able because it will NOT BE considered an ally
   (Kingdom B is FRIENDLY to Kingdom A).

The following categories can join Defense Faction:

  • Citizens of Kingdom D (for at least 30 days);
   Citizens of Kingdom E cannot help Kingdom C because they are also ALLIED of Kingdom A.


  Note: Mercenary role is temporarily suspended. Mercenaries cannot join any faction.

Infographic - Attack Soldier Categorization - Attacker

Infographic - Attack Soldier Categorization - Allied

Who can Join a Defense Faction?

  Note: Mercenary role is temporarily suspended. Mercenaries cannot join any faction.

Let's suppose that Kingdom A is attacking Kingdom C. The following categories can join Defense Faction:

  • Citizens of Kingdom C (for at least 30 days);
  • Allied of Kingdom C that are not allied with Kingdom A (they should be citizen of their Kingdom for at least 30 days);


The following infographics clarify how the Categorization is done:

Infographic - Defense Soldier Categorization - Defender

Infographic - Attack Soldier Categorization - Allied

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