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Restore Character

From Medieval Europe
Revision as of 07:37, 10 August 2015 by Sunchaser (Talk | contribs)

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It is possible to restore a dead character and recuperate:

  • Money and items on personal inventory
  • Money and items on private structures
  • Items in the markets
  • Statistics
  • Attributes
  • Achievements
  Note: If 30 days are passed from the death date it will be possible to recuperate only:
  • Statistics
  • Attributes
  • Achievements
  Note: This is a service for recuperating Characters that died because of a internet or real life problem or a distraction. It is not availabele for characters died 
  because of a Administrative Ban/Eradication or because the player publicly declared he wanted to Quit the game.


Please send a ticket containing:

  Name of the dead character
  (Copy of the event where you send 4500 doubloons to Guglielmo Di Valenza)
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