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=The Court=
=The Court=
The Court is the place where Justice is administered. This structure is operated by the region's Judge. A Character wishing to be a Judge must have at least '''1'''2 [[Attributes#Charisma|Charisma]] and be at least '''30 days old'''. For more details on what the Judge does, please refer to: [[En_US_IGJustice|Justice in ME]].
The Court is the place where Justice is administered. This structure is operated by the region's Judge. A Character wishing to be a Judge must have at least '''1'''2 [[Attributes#Charisma|Charisma]] and be at least '''30 days old'''. For more details on what the Judge does, please refer to: [[The Trial]].
[[File:court-1.png|400px||A Court]]
[[File:court-1.png|400px||A Court]]

Revision as of 18:16, 1 July 2015



The Court

The Court is the place where Justice is administered. This structure is operated by the region's Judge. A Character wishing to be a Judge must have at least 12 Charisma and be at least 30 days old. For more details on what the Judge does, please refer to: The Trial.

A Court

Public Links

Offers to the Court

By using this link you can donate some money or some items to the City Court.


By using this link you will see some information about the Structure.

Reserved Links


By clicking this link, the Judge can access the Court Storage.


By clicking this link, the Judge can access the Court Office.


By clicking this link, the Judge can access the Court Storage.

Open a Crime Procedure

By clicking this link, a Judge can open a Crime Procedure to prosecute a Character who committed a crime. Opening a Crime Procedure as well as opening a Trial are mandatory actions to judge, arrest and imprison a criminal. When a Crime Procedure is opened against a Criminal, the Judge will be able to:

  • Create an Arrest Warrant;
  • Imprison the Criminal.
  # Any Judge can open a criminal procedure for an offence that happened in a Kingdom region, there are no constraints on the jurisdiction.
  # It's mandatory to open a trial on the forum and to specify the URL in the crime procedure. The trial topic must be held in the Kingdom Courts of Law

Opening a Crime Procedure Opening a Crime Procedure

Crime Procedure Process

A Judge can open a Crime Procedure from the Court Offices. It is mandatory to open a Crime Procedure to prosecute a crime. When a Crime Procedure is opened against a Criminal, the Judge will be able to:

  • Create an Arrest Warrant;
  • Imprison the Criminal.
  1-June-2015: The following diagram flow is obsolete and should not be followed.

Crime Procedure Process Flow Diagram for a Criminal Procedure

Crime Procedure Statuses

Crime Procedure statuses Status Diagram of a Crime Procedure

Manage Procedures

By clicking this link, the Judge can view the Crime Procedures.

205 10.png Viewing a Crime Procedure

Edit a Procedure

By clicking this link, the Judge can edit a Crime Procedure.

205 4.png Editing a Crime Procedure

Cancel a Procedure

By clicking this link, the Judge can cancel a Crime Procedure.

  All the arrest warrants linked to the canceled procedure will be invalid and can be trashed.

Write an Arrest Warrant

The arrest warrant is a formal document that enables the Guard Captain to arrest a criminal. A judge can create a formal document for a valid crime procedure in New status. To create an arrest warrant a piece of paper and a waxseal is required. There is no limit on the number of arrest warrants a judge can create.

Arresting a criminal

A Guard Captain will be able to chase and arrest a criminal if ordered to do so. Only a Guard Captain that has a valid Arrest Warrant in the inventory can arrest a criminal. An Arrest Warrant never expires. It can be invalidated only if the Judge Cancel the Crime procedure or the Crime Procedure is closed because it has been executed.

205 8.png An Arrest Warrant

How a Guard Captain can arrest a criminal?

The Guard Captain can arrest the criminal by clicking arrest in the Character list page:

205 9.png Arresting a criminal


  * Only A Guard Captain can arrest a Character;
  * The Guard Captain must hold a valid Arrest Warrant;
  * The criminal can’t be a King or Religious Leader;
  * The criminal should not be fighting;
  * The criminal should not be already in prison, or restrained;
  * The criminal is not in holiday mode (meditating) (see Meditation limits).

If the Guard Captain arrest the criminal, both of them will come back to the region where the Court that created the Arrest Warrant is located. Time of transfer is computed accordingly to the region where the criminal is located and the target region coordinates.

  The travel consume energy of Criminal and Guard Captain ( 4% every 30 minutes) and glut (2% every 30 minutes).

Once arrived, the prisoner will be automatically restrained for 104 hours. It is expected that during this period the Judge will complete the trial and decide what punishment the Character deserves.

Serving time in jail

A character that is serving time in jail won't be able to do anything, but he will be fed during his stay. Due to the jail conditions, the character has a chance every day to lose an attribute point accorrdingly to the following formula:

  chance = max( 0, 30 - char_constitution )

If the character will reach 0 health, it will die.

An imprisoned character will be able to donate items to the jail. In this way the fine can be paid while serving jail time and eventually the character can be let free.

Releasing a criminal

A Guard Captain can release a criminal from the prison before the time is expired. A reason must be provided.


By clicking this link, the Judge can imprison a criminal in a Kingdom Jail. The criminal will be transfered to destination and then imprisoned for the hours specified by the Judge. Time of transfer is computed accordingly to the region where the criminal is located and the target region coordinates.

  The action consumes criminal energy (4% every 30 minutes) and glut (2% every 30 minutes of travel).
  The criminal must be located in a Kingdom region in order to be imprisoned.

205 2.jpg

Imprisoning a Criminal

Noble and Royal Titles

By clicking this link, the Judge can assign some titles:

  • Bailiff


The Magistrate can rest in the Court. See Resting.

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