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(Charisma Malus)
(Working: Maluses and Bonuses)
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Revision as of 18:13, 15 January 2012


The Clothes

Clothes in Medieval Europe are important because without them, a player can lose Charisma points or being unable to access some functions.

Coloring Clothes

Some clothes can be colored with a Dye Bowl. To color clothes, right click on them, choose 'Dye' option and choose the color.

Charisma Malus

A character that doesn't wear clothes will get some penalties in Charisma attribute. See Carisma Modifiers for details.

Working: Maluses and Bonuses

Some malus and bonuses on crafting/working time will be applied in relation on what the player is wearing:

Delta Percentage on time needed to complete the task:

Body Part Nothing Rags Normal Armor
Torso or Body

Accessing structures

A character with a role (that controls a structure), will need to wear clothes on torso, legs and feets in order to access the structure. Additionally, the clothes must be of quality (no rags are allowed).


Clothes wears off every day:

  • Rags wear off 2%/day
  • Armors wear off 0.5%/day
  • Normal clothes wear off 1%/day

Clothes List

Clothes and items produced in the tailor shop.

Item Weight (Kg) Min produced items Max produced items Sex Each slot completes Shop Crafting time (hours) Needed items
Boots 0,8 1 1 * 100% Tailor 6 4 leather_piece
Fishing Net 5 1 1 * 100% Tailor 5 35 linen_yarn
Female Hat 0,1 1 1 Female 100% Tailor 4 10 cotton_yarn
Male Hat 0,1 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 4 10 cotton_yarn
Hood 0,1 1 1 * 100% Tailor 4 10 wool_yarn
Hose 0,2 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 4 10 linen_yarn
Hose (Striped) 0,15 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 4 12 cotton_yarn
Leather Trousers 2 1 1 * 100% Tailor 4 6 leather_piece
Strong Leather Trousers 2 1 1 * 100% Tailor 4 3 iron_piece, 6 leather_piece
Mantis 1 1 1 * 100% Tailor 5 1 wood_piece, 1 leather_piece
Mitra 1 1 1 * 100% Tailor 4 3 cotton_yarn, 50 silk_yarn
Noble Robe 0,18 1 1 Female 100% Tailor 4 6 cotton_yarn, 10 silk_yarn
Common Robe 0,2 1 1 * 100% Tailor 4 10 wool_yarn, 6 cotton_yarn
Male Shirt 0,1 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 5 10 linen_yarn
Male Sylk Shirt 0,08 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 6 20 silk_yarn
Female Shoes 0,35 1 1 Female 100% Tailor 4 3 leather_piece
Male Shoes 0,4 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 4 3 leather_piece
Bishop Tunic 3,5 1 1 * 100% Tailor 7 9 wool_yarn, 9 wool_yarn, 12 cotton_yarn
Cardinal Tunic 3,5 1 1 * 100% Tailor 7 9 wool_yarn, 9 wool_yarn, 12 cotton_yarn
Pope Tunic 4 1 1 * 100% Tailor 9 10 wool_yarn, 10 wool_yarn, 15 cotton_yarn
Priest Tunic 3 1 1 * 100% Tailor 6 10 cotton_yarn, 10 cotton_yarn, 20 silk_yarn
Veil 0,06 1 1 Female 100% Tailor 4 20 silk_yarn, 20 silk_yarn, 6 linen_yarn
Shirt (Rags) 0,02 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 3 2 linen yarns
Trousers (Rags) 0,02 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 3 3 linen yarns
Robe (Rags) 0,02 1 1 Female 100% Tailor 3 5 linen yarns
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