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Bun Venit in Valahia. X
<div class='evidencebox'>Please create a new page for your own Kingdom. Inside the page, add information about it. Refer to Wikimedia Syntax for correct editing.
Aici sunteti printre ai vostri, suntem ca fratii, vorbim limba romana si ne bucuram de acest joc.
Valahia din ME este dezvoltata, una dintre Marile Puteri ale Lumii, asa cum ne-o dorim cu totii.
* [[kingdom:_albania|Kingdom of Albania]]
* [[kingdom:_austria|Kingdom of Austria]]
* [[kingdom:_castille_and_leon|Kingdom of Castille and Leon]]
* [[kingdom:_england|Kingdom of England]]
* [[County of Flanders]]
* [[kingdom: ireland|Kingdom of Ireland]]
* [[Kingdom: naples|Kingdom of Naples]]
* [[Kingdom: Milano|Kingdom of Milan]]
* [[Kingdom: savoy|Kingdom of Savoy]]
* [[Kingdom: Sweden|Kingdom of Sweden]]
* [[Kingdom: wallachia|Kingdom of Wallachia]]
* [[Kingdom: venice|Kingdom of Venice]]
[[Category: Lists]]

Latest revision as of 04:03, 17 October 2019

Please create a new page for your own Kingdom. Inside the page, add information about it. Refer to Wikimedia Syntax for correct editing.
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