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The Shop

You can buy a shop license from the Castle or Small Village for about 400-500 silver coins (the price depends on your Charisma). The shop contains the following functions:

  • Construct/Create Objects
  • Enlarge Shop
  • Configure
  • Storage

Construct/Create objects

In this page you will see a list of craftable items:


Time to craft depends basicly on:

  • Your intelligence
  • If you have the Worker Bonus
  • The clothes you are wearing

Intelligence Bonus

The value of your intelligence attribute decreases the time needed to craft the items.

Worker Bonus

If you own the Worker Bonus the crafting time is decreased by 50%.

Clothes Bonus

Time needed to craft items may increase or decrease in relation on what the player is wearing:

Delta Percentage on time needed to complete the task:

Body Part Nothing Rags Normal Armor
Torso or Body +30% 0% -7% +10%
Legs +30% 0% -7% +10%

Enlarge Shop

You can increase your shop storage by working on it. Having more storage will allow you to hold more material and craft items that are very heavy, like the Stinking Poison and the Wooden Cart.


  1. Required items are in the shop storage
  2. Character have enough glut and energy

Expected lasting time

12 hours.

Time modifiers

  1. Character strength
  2. Bought bonuses: Worker

Queue applies?


Required resources

  1. 32% Glut, 36% Energy
  2. 15 Wood pieces
  3. 75 Bricks

Action Effects

  1. Shop storage is increased (250 Kg)


In this page is possible to write a short message to promote your business. This message will appear on the Shop list page link in the Region View page.


You can see what's stored in the structure inventory and take/deposit items.

Sell (to the City Land Register)

By clicking Sell on the Structure menu, you can sell your shop to the Land Register. The sale amount depends on your Charisma attribute, but generally will be much less than the price you paid. There is another way to sell your shop and it's by Selling your Certifiicate of Ownership on the Market (see below for details).

Selling Property License

Every shop owner owns a document (Certificate of Ownership) for each shops he bought. A shop owner will be able to sell this certificate on the market. This type of sale will not be taxed.

For selling successfully a property:

  • Shop inventory must be empty
  • Buyer must not own already a shop in the same city of the sold shop
  • No pending jobs in the shop should exists at buy time

This checks will be done when a buyer tries to buy the Certificate of Ownership. If the sale is succesfull the Shop will be transfered to the new owner and the buyer, the seller and the Vassal will be informed about the Ownership Transfer.

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