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Conquering Region

From Medieval Europe
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Conquering a Region

A King can choose to conquer a Region owned by another Kingdom. It is possible to declare the Hostile Action Conquer Region through the Royal Chancellery.

  1. You may not declare any hostile action if the source or target Kingdom are already engaged in other war-related activities.
  2. You may not attack a Kingdom Region if the government is unstable (Kingdom is without a Regent).

Declaring war cost

Declaring a war implies some logistic and recruiting costs. Costs for conquering a region will depends on the regions owned by the attacking region and if a Castle or Royal Palace exists:

Cost = (Royal Castle presence * 2500 + Castle Presence * 1250 + ( 100 * Attacking Kingdom Regions) + int( Attacking Kingdom Regions / 25 ) * 3000

Description Attacker Kingdom Regions Attacked Kingdom Regions Royal Palace Castle Price New Price Gain
Attacking a capital 1 1 1 1 330 3850 Replace king with own candidate
Attacking a capital 5 5 1 1 330 5250 Replace king with own candidate
Attacking a capital 10 5 1 1 6980 6750 Replace king with own candidate
Attacking a capital 20 5 1 1 20280 9750 Replace king with own candidate
Attacking a capital 50 5 1 1 60180 18750 Replace king with own candidate
Attacking a capital 100 5 1 1 126680 33750 Replace king with own candidate
Attacking a region with a castle 2 6 0 1 555 1450 Gets all regions controlled by castle
Attacking a region with a castle 5 2 0 1 2070 2750 Gets all regions controlled by castle
Attacking a region with a castle 10 50 0 1 0 4250 Gets all regions controlled by castle
Attacking a region with a castle 20 100 0 1 0 7250 Gets all regions controlled by castle
Attacking a region with a castle 50 1 0 1 28750 16250 Gets all regions controlled by castle
Attacking a region with a castle 100 7 0 1 54270 31250 Gets all regions controlled by castle
Attacking a region without a castle 1 2 0 0 380 100 Gets region
Attacking a region without a castle 5 2 0 0 1080 1500 Gets region
Attacking a region without a castle 10 50 0 0 0 3000 Gets region
Attacking a region without a castle 20 100 0 0 0 6000 Gets region
Attacking a region without a castle 50 1 0 0 12580 15000 Gets region
Attacking a region without a castle 100 7 0 0 23580 30000 Gets region


Kingdom with 5 regions trying to conquer a Kingdom with 8 regions, cumulative costs:

Owned 5: Reducing it to 7 regions: 1500 coins
Owned 6: Reducing it to 6 regions: 1600 coins
Owned 7: Reducing it to 5 regions: 1700 coins
Owned 8: Conquer: 3750 + 8 * 100 = 5550 coins

Total: 10.350 coins

The Battlefield

A battlefield will appear in the attacked region after some time. It will be possible for soldier to travel directly in the battlefield.

While in the battlefield, characters won't be able to access region structures and will be protected from arrest or restrain actions. It will be possible to leave the battlefield either by accessing the region or by traveling to another region.

Please note that a character younger than 30 days won't be able to join a faction and fight.


  • Declaration of war is known to the attacked King – t0
  • Creation of Battlefield – t0 + 48h
  • Battle Round 1 – t0 + 60h
  • Destruction of Battlefield – 18 h after the last battle round.

Conquering a Region without a Castle

Number of rounds

Number of rounds will be one.

Attackers maluses

  • Stinking poison (if at least one defender should carry it in the battlefield): -15% to Strenght and Dexterity
  • Malus related to the terrain composition: Flat: 0%, Hilly: -5%, Mountainous: -10% to Dexterity


If a Kingdom A attacks a region without a Castle, the region will be linked directly to the Kingdom A Capital Region and controlled by the Capital Vassal. The King can then decide to donate the Region to a different Vassal.

Conquering a Region with a Castle

Number of rounds

Number of rounds will be 3. To win the battle, at least 2 rounds must be won.

Attackers maluses

  • Stinking poison (if at least one defender should carry it in the battlefield): -15% to Strenght and Dexterity
  • Malus related to the terrain composition: Flat: 0%, Hilly: -5%, Mountainous: -10% to Dexterity


If a Kingdom A attacks a region with a Castle, the region, together with all the controlled regions will be linked directly to the Kingdom A Capital Region and controlled by the Capital Vassal. The King can then decide to donate the Regions to a different Vassal.

Conquering a Capital

In order to attack a capital of a Kingdom, his regions must be reduced to 5. The attacking Regent should specify a candidate for the new Regency. The candidate must have the needed requirements.

Number of rounds

Number of rounds will be 5. To win the battle, at least 3 rounds must be won.

Defenders bonuses

  • Bonus for Castle presence ( +10% to Strength )
  • Bonus for Royal Palace presence ( +20% to Strength )

Attackers maluses

  • Stinking poison (if at least one defender should carry it in the battlefield): -15% to Strenght and Dexterity
  • Malus related to the terrain composition: Flat: 0%, Hilly: -5%, Mountainous: -10% to Dexterity


If a Kingdom A attacks a capital and wins, the current Regent will be dethroned and the designated successor will be chrowned. If at time of enchrownment the candidate is dead or it lacks some needed requirements, the throne will remain vacant.

Requirements needed:

  • Enough charisma and age
  • Candidate should be alive
  • Candidate should not be imprisone
  • Candidate should not have another role active
  • Candidate should be phisically in the attacked Capital when the battle ends
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