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Name choice

The choice of the name is very important, and only first names pertaining to the Medieval period are allowed. It is possible to use the automatic name generator (at the moment only Italian names can be generated) but player is also free to enter a brand new one.

Names that are not in accordance with the historical period will be assessed by the staff and a request for changing the name will be sent to the those whose name does not comply to the rules.

Char Attributes

When you start out in the world of Medieval Europe, you will have the opportunity to set some base skills. Strength, Dexterity, Charisma, Constitution and intelligence. These attribution points will contribute a lot to the game play and the way you play your character, for example - strength will allow a character to do certain physical actions with more ease than others, therefore it's encouraged naturally to take a path of physical labor at first.

For this reason, it's very important that you consider the way you allocate these points. Below there is a description about each attribute and how it affects a character.


Strength represents the physical attributes of a character, they will be able to endure more physically daunting tasks with ease, therefore actions which require this strength will have the time taken to completion reduced, for example mining.


Dexterity represents the grace and the skill related to physical activity. It may influence the time required to execute an action, the wear factor of a tool, and fight performance.


Charisma is a personal and rare quality, a personal magnetic characteristic that can positively influence the connection with other persons. It may determine the selling price and purchase of items.


Constitution is the physical makeup of a person. A person may be of strong or weak constitution. It influences the health recovery period plus the time needed to regain one's strength back.


Intelligence is the mental ability to learn and to apply the knowledge to easily adapt to new environments. It may influence the time required to execute an action and prevent (if it's too low) the execution of some actions.

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