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Kingdom (Community) Projects

From Medieval Europe
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Building Projects

Some roles in ME can launch projects aimed to build a structure in a region. Each structure brings some functionality to the region, so the project mus tbe carefully planned. Multiple projects can be run at the same time, however parallelism will probably not be possible due to the high demand of resources.

Project Description Launched by Required hours Needed items
Academy, level 1 Study and improve attributes Regent 4000 2000 wood_piece, 1000 iron_piece, 2000 stone_piece
Training Grounds, level 1 Study and improve attributes Regent 6000 3000 wood_piece, 1500 iron_piece, 3000 stone_piece
Castle Assign a vassal to manage regions controlled by the cstle, get defense advantage, get moneys for each active resident Regent 2000 1000 brick, 750 wood_piece, 1000 stone_piece
Court Can judge and sentence offenders Vassal 1000 500 brick, 500 wood_piece, 500 stone_piece
Barracks Can imprison offenders Vassal 750 600 brick, 300 wood_piece, 300 stone_piece
Market Start commercial activities Vassal 300 300 wood_piece, 200 stone_piece
Tavern Get free rest, get income from paid rest Vassal 200 100 brick, 200 wood_piece, 100 stone_piece
Harbor Permits to leave and arrive by sea Vassal 200 200 wood_piece, 50 stone pieces
Church - Level 2 structure Level 2 structure (under Head Quarter) Church Leader 1000 350 bricks, 80 wood, 150 stone, 80 iron
Church - Level 3 structure Level 3 structure (under Level 2 structure) Church - Level 2 (Cardinal or equivalent) 500 180 bricks, 60 wood, 120 stone, 60 iron
Church - Level 4 structure Level 4 structure (under Level 3 structure) Church - Level 3 (Bishop or equivalent) 250 50 bricks, 300 wood, 50 stone, 25 iron

Building Projects

In the Royal Palace, Castle and in a Level 1, 2, 3 Religious structure, one can launch and monitor Building Projects.

Launching a Project

It is possible to launch a project by compiling the region where the building should be constructed. A check will be made and the response will be written in the screen.

Error: requirements are not satisfied:


Requirements are satisfied and the cost of project launch are shown. In this example, if the button Launch is pressed, the system will check for the presence of the required faith points in the structure.


Monitoring Running Projects

It is possible to monitor running projects. A King will be able to see the status report of all Government Building Projects in progress while a Vassal will see only the projects he manages.

Same concept applies for the Church structures; the Church leader will be able to see the status report of ALL the projects of the Church, while the inferior levels will see only the projecs they manage.


Completed Projects

The Building Site

When a project is started, a new structure Building Site will be created in the target region (the structure will resemble a construction site). When the structure is completed it will be replaced by the finished structure. There are no restrictions on player citizenship, every player can participate. Eventually a Regent/Vassal can post announcements to hire people in order to shorten needed time.

Public functions


Used for storing needed material for the construction. The construction site will have a very high storage capacity


By clicking this link, and if the needed materials are in the inventory, the players can collaborate to build the structure for some hours and contribute to reach the working hours target. As soon the project building starts, all the materials will be removed from the inventory. When the target hours are reached, the structure will be ready.


It will be possible to view general statistics on the building contribution.

Private functions


The Vassal will be able to set the hourly wage paid for working at the building site.


Classical inventory screen, but the only available action is Deposit. Only the Owner of the structure will be able to take items.


It will be possible to work for free for a maximum of 9 hours. Some slots for paid work of 3, 6 or 9 hours will be available if there is enough coins available in the structure.

The action is blocking.

  1. Required energy:10% per hour
  2. Required glut: 4% per hour
  3. Time elapsed: depends by strength.

Action can be cancelled. If action is cancelled, money will not be given to the player and the structure will be refunded.


A page will be shown with some statistics. This page will be a memento to the players who built the structure.


By accessing this page, the Vassal will be able to :

  • Set the hourly wage. Players will have the possibility to work 3, 6 or 9 hours at the rate configured by the Vassal.
  • Change the structure name, until is being built.

Example: Vassal sets hourly wage at 2 coins/hour. Vassal add to the structure inventory 1000 coins.

The players will have:

  • 300, 3-hours slots.
  • 150, 6-hours slots
  • 100, 9-hours slots

Project end

When the hours target is reached, the building will be ready and an event will be published @ town crier:

Example: Kingdom of England has completed a project in York: Academy of St John.

The Vassal will no more in control of the building and he must nominate the Drill Master or the Academy Director.

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