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Dishearten Leader

From Medieval Europe
Revision as of 08:45, 29 December 2015 by Sunchaser (Talk | contribs)

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Removing a Religious Leader

For many reasons it could be necessary to remove an inactive or an uncommitted Religion Leader. It's in the best interest for the Game to have active Religious Leaders with a project for their Church.

For this reasons, a Religious Leader can be disheartened by his followers or by the Administration in case of inactivity. or low committment.

How such a procedure can be opened?

A Disheartening Request can be opened by any follower by opening a ticket to support. In the ticket the follower should state the Reason for the request. The requester will remain anonymous.

  Administration will evaluate the request and accept or deny it.

If the request is accepted, Administration will create a public poll on the forum that will be open for 7 days. This poll will ask the question "Do you want the current Leader of <church> to be removed?"

Only the players that are followers of that Church at the time the poll is opened can vote and those list will be published in the poll text.

At least 50% +1 of the voters must vote YES in order to dishearten the Leader.

What happens if the Religious Leader is disheartened?

If disheartened, the Religious Leader will be removed by Administration and a new Leader will be searched.

What happens if the Religious Leader is NOT disheartened?

Another procedure can be called after at least three months.


A follower of the church A opens a Disheartening Role Procedure on 1st January 1316. A poll is opened by Administration on forum. After 7 days 54 followers voted. 31 voted for having a new leader, 23 voted for keeping the leader. The Leader will be removed by Administration (Divine intervention).

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