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Honor Point

From Medieval Europe
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Honor points are in game, earnable points, which players can obtain by doing certain tasks. Honor points show the Chivalry or Dread of a person. If a player reaches a certain number of points, that player will be awarded a badge and score which can be seen in that player’s profile.

Tasks Which Give Honor Points

Currently there are few tasks which affect honor points. Here are some tasks which will have a positive effect on your Honor Points ((Doing these tasks will add honor points))

  • Sending 10 Wooden Token will earn the player 1 honor point
  • Being present at your duel ((you do not have to win to earn the honor point, just be present))

Here are some tasks which will have a negative effect on your Honor Points ((Doing these tasks will subtract honor points))

  • Failure to be present at your duel ((If you accept a duel and fail to show up to your duel NO MATTER THE REASON))

All Honor Points are awarded or reduced by Admins


Badge Name Requirements Score
Badge stat honorablechars -5.png Dread < -240 Honor Points 50
Badge stat honorablechars -4.png Wicked < -120 Honor Points 40
Badge stat honorablechars -3.png Vile < -60 Honor Points 20
Badge stat honorablechars -2.png Ignoble < -30 Honor Points 10
Badge stat honorablechars -1.png Rude < -15 Honor Points 5
Badge stat honorablechars 1.png Fair > 15 Honor Points 5
Badge stat honorablechars 2.png Respectable > 30 Honor Points 10
Badge stat honorablechars 3.png Hones > 60 Honor Points 20
Badge stat honorablechars 4.png Admirable > 120 Honor Points 40
Badge stat honorablechars 5.png Glorious > 240 Honor Points 50
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