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Wearing clothes in Medieval Europe is for most actions mandatory, in some kingdoms a requirement by law and always advantageous since they can save you from catching some illness, like flu and they are required to work or to complete some Religious functions. Some of them can also increase your Charisma.



[edit] Coloring Clothes

Some clothes can be colored with a Dye Bowl. To color clothes, click on them to open the context menu, choose 'Dye' option and then choose the color. A small, correspondingly colored symbol will be added to the dyed cloth's context menu.

[edit] Charisma: Maluses

Players who are not wearing clothes will have the following maluses:

Body Part None Wearing rags or shoes Other Clothes
Body/Torso -2 -1 0
Legs -3 -2 0
Feet -1 0 0
Total -6 -3 0

[edit] Accessing structures, structures functions

A character with a role (that controls a structure), will need to wear clothes on torso, legs and feets in order to access the structure. Additionally, the clothes must be of quality (no rags are allowed).

[edit] Consumption

Clothes and tools wear off depending on the action that the character is doing. Some actions require to equip a tool in the right hand; Almost all actions require to be dressed.

  • Very Low: 0,12%
  • Low: 0,25%
  • Medium: 0,5%
  • High: 1%
  • Very High: 2%
Action On New Engine? Required Tool Body Torso Legs Feet Consume rate
Build Community Project Yes Work Hammer any clothes any clothes any clothes Very High
Clean Prisons Yes Very Low
Collect Water Yes Iron Bucket any clothes any clothes any clothes Medium
Craft Yes Saw (Carpenter) Work Hammer (Blacksmith) Mortar & Pestle (Herbalist) Scissors (Tailor) Cooking Pot (Inn) any clothes any clothes any clothes
Cut Wood Yes Hatchet any clothes any clothes any clothes Very High
Damage Structure Yes Pickaxe Any clothes Any clothes Any clothes Very High
Excommunicate Yes Scepter Tunic lvl 1 Tunic lvl 1 Tunic lvl 1 ? ?
Feed Animals Yes any clothes any clothes any clothes Low
Fish Yes Fishing Net any clothes any clothes any clothes medium
Gather Animal Products Yes Bellow (Bees) Iron Bucket (Other) any clothes any clothes any clothes Low
Harvest Yes Sickle any clothes any clothes any clothes Very High
Initiate ?
Kill Animals Yes Iron Bucket (Bees) Knife (Others) any clothes any clothes any clothes High
Move Yes any clothes (Penalty of 50% on travel time if no shoes). Very Low
Pray Yes
Repair Structure Yes Work Hammer any clothes any clothes any clothes Very High
Sail Yes any clothes any clothes any clothes any Very Low
Search Dump Yes any clothes any clothes any clothes Very Low
Search Plant Yes any clothes any clothes any clothes Low
Seed Yes any clothes any clothes any clothes hoe Medium
Shovel Yes Shovel any clothes any clothes any clothes Very High
Study or Train Yes any clothes any clothes any clothes Low
Upgrade shop inventory yes Work Hammer any clothes any clothes any clothes High
Upgrade shop level yes Work Hammer any clothes any clothes any clothes High
Watch Surroundings yes any clothes any clothes any clothes Medium

[edit] Clothes List

Clothes and items produced in the tailor shop.

Item Weight (Kg) Min produced items Max produced items Sex Each slot completes Shop Crafting time (hours) Needed items
Boots 0,8 1 1 * 100% Tailor 6 4 leather_piece
Fishing Net 5 1 1 * 100% Tailor 5 35 linen_yarn
Female Hat 0,1 1 1 Female 100% Tailor 4 10 cotton_yarn
Male Hat 0,1 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 4 10 cotton_yarn
Hood 0,1 1 1 * 100% Tailor 4 10 wool_yarn
Hose 0,2 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 4 10 linen_yarn
Striped Hose 0,15 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 4 12 cotton_yarn
Leather Trousers 2 1 1 * 100% Tailor 4 6 leather_piece
Strong Leather Trousers 2 1 1 * 100% Tailor 4 3 iron_piece, 6 leather_piece
Bellow 1 1 1 * 100% Tailor 5 1 wood_piece, 1 leather_piece
Mitra 1 1 1 * 100% Tailor 4 3 cotton_yarn, 50 silk_yarn
Noblewoman Gown 0,18 1 1 Female 100% Tailor 4 6 cotton_yarn, 10 silk_yarn
Simple Robe 0,2 1 1 Female 100% Tailor 4 10 wool_yarn, 6 cotton_yarn
Short Sleeve Shirt 0,1 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 5 10 linen_yarn
Long Sleeve Shirt 0,08 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 6 20 silk_yarn
Female Shoes 0,35 1 1 Female 100% Tailor 4 3 leather_piece
Male Shoes 0,4 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 4 3 leather_piece
Bishop Tunic 3,5 1 1 * 100% Tailor 7 20 silk yarn, 9 wool_yarn, 12 cotton_yarn
Cardinal Tunic 3,5 1 1 * 100% Tailor 7 20 silk yarn, 9 wool_yarn, 12 cotton_yarn
Pope Tunic 4 1 1 * 100% Tailor 9 20 silk yarn, 10 wool_yarn, 15 cotton_yarn
Priest Tunic 3 1 1 * 100% Tailor 6 20 silk yarn, 10 cotton_yarn, 12 linen yarn
Veil 0,06 1 1 Female 100% Tailor 4 20 silk_yarn, 6 linen_yarn
Shirt (Rags) 0,02 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 3 2 linen yarns
Trousers (Rags) 0,02 1 1 Male 100% Tailor 3 3 linen yarns
Robe (Rags) 0,02 1 1 Female 100% Tailor 3 5 linen yarns
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