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System messages
From Medieval Europe
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
bold_tip (Talk) | Bold text |
booksources (Talk) | Book sources |
booksources-go (Talk) | Go |
booksources-invalid-isbn (Talk) | The given ISBN does not appear to be valid; check for errors copying from the original source. |
booksources-isbn (Talk) | ISBN: |
booksources-search-legend (Talk) | Search for book sources |
booksources-summary (Talk) | |
booksources-text (Talk) | Below is a list of links to other sites that sell new and used books, and may also have further information about books you are looking for: |
boteditletter (Talk) | b |
brackets (Talk) | [$1] |
broken-file-category (Talk) | Pages with broken file links |
brokenredirects (Talk) | Broken redirects |
brokenredirects-delete (Talk) | delete |
brokenredirects-edit (Talk) | edit |
brokenredirects-summary (Talk) | |
brokenredirectstext (Talk) | The following redirects link to non-existent pages: |
bydate (Talk) | by date |
cachedspecial-refresh-now (Talk) | View latest. |
cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ts (Talk) | You are viewing a cached version of this page, which might not be completely actual. |
cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ttl (Talk) | You are viewing a cached version of this page, which can be up to $1 old. |
cancel (Talk) | Cancel |
cannotchangeemail (Talk) | Account e-mail addresses cannot be changed on this wiki. |
cannotdelete (Talk) | The page or file "$1" could not be deleted. It may have already been deleted by someone else. |
cannotdelete-title (Talk) | Cannot delete page "$1" |
cannotundelete (Talk) | Undelete failed; someone else may have undeleted the page first. |
cant-block-while-blocked (Talk) | You cannot block other users while you are blocked. |
cant-move-to-user-page (Talk) | You do not have permission to move a page to a user page (except to a user subpage). |
cant-move-user-page (Talk) | You do not have permission to move user pages (apart from subpages). |
cantcreateaccount-text (Talk) | Account creation from this IP address ('''$1''') has been blocked by [[User:$3|$3]]. The reason given by $3 is ''$2'' |
cantcreateaccounttitle (Talk) | Cannot create account |
cantmove-titleprotected (Talk) | You cannot move a page to this location because the new title has been protected from creation |
cantrollback (Talk) | Cannot revert edit; last contributor is only author of this page. |
captcha-addurl (Talk) | Your edit includes new external links. To protect the wiki against automated spam, we kindly ask you to solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box in order to save your edit ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]): |
captcha-addurl-whitelist (Talk) | #<!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> <pre> # Syntax is as follows: # * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment # * Every non-blank line is a regex fragment which will only match hosts inside URLs #</pre> <!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> |
captcha-badlogin (Talk) | To protect the wiki against automated password cracking, we kindly ask you to solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]): |
captcha-create (Talk) | To create the page, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]): |
captcha-createaccount (Talk) | To protect the wiki against automated account creation, we kindly ask you to solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]): |
captcha-createaccount-fail (Talk) | Incorrect or missing confirmation code. |
captcha-desc (Talk) | Provides CAPTCHA techniques to protect against spam and password-guessing |
captcha-disabledinapi (Talk) | This action requires a captcha, so it cannot be performed through the API. |
captcha-edit (Talk) | To edit this page, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]): |
captcha-label (Talk) | CAPTCHA |
captcha-sendemail (Talk) | To protect the wiki against automated spamming, we kindly ask you to solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]): |
captcha-sendemail-fail (Talk) | Incorrect or missing confirmation code. |
captchahelp-cookies-needed (Talk) | You will need to have cookies enabled in your browser for this to work. |
captchahelp-text (Talk) | Web sites that accept postings from the public, like this wiki, are often abused by spammers who use automated tools to post their links to many sites. While these spam links can be removed, they are a significant nuisance. Sometimes, especially when adding new web links to a page, the wiki may show you an image of colored or distorted text and ask you to type the words shown. Since this is a task that's hard to automate, it will allow most real humans to make their posts while stopping most spammers and other robotic attackers. Unfortunately this may inconvenience users with limited vision or using text-based or speech-based browsers. At the moment we do not have an audio alternative available. Please contact the [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|site administrators]] for assistance if this is unexpectedly preventing you from making legitimate actions. Hit the 'back' button in your browser to return to the page editor. |
captchahelp-title (Talk) | CAPTCHA help |
cascadeprotected (Talk) | This page has been protected from editing because it is included in the following {{PLURAL:$1|page, which is|pages, which are}} protected with the "cascading" option turned on: $2 |
cascadeprotectedwarning (Talk) | '''Warning:''' This page has been protected so that only users with administrator privileges can edit it because it is included in the following cascade-protected {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}: |
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