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Religious Structure level 1
From Medieval Europe
Contents |
The Religious Level 1 Structure (Head Quarter)
The Religious Head Quarter name changes depending on the correspondent Religion:
- Universal Pagan Community => Pantheon
- Ancient Teological Church => Pontifical Palace
- New Order Teological Church => Principis Palace
The structure is controlled by the Church Leader.
Public Functions
The info functions show some informations on the structure.
- Description: If it has been provided, a brief description of the structure.
- Owner: the Controller of the structure is shown.
- Instructive message: a message set by the owner is shown.
By using this function you can make offers to the structure by depositing some items.
By praying you can raise your Faith Level, Accumulated Faith Points and the Church Faith Points. For further details see Praying.
Private Functions
Manage Hierarchy
[Work in progress]
Manage Projects
[Work in progress]
You can see what's stored in the structure inventory and take/deposit items.
The structure owner can rest in the Royal Palace. For further details, see Resting.