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Rankings are computed every night at 4 AM Server time and can be seen by clicking the related icon on the right menu. e


Some badges can be attained if certain requirements are reached.

Battle Champion Badges

Badge Name Requirements
Badge stat battlechampion 1.png Warrior Be at least 5 times the Battle Champion
Badge stat battlechampion 2.png Battle Hero Be at least 25 times the Battle Champion
Badge stat battlechampion 3.png War Hero Be at least 100 times the Battle Champion
Badge stat battlechampion 4.png Mirmidon Be at least 200 times the Battle Champion
Badge stat battlechampion 5.png War Machine Be at least 500 times the Battle Champion

Fight Badges

Badge Name Requirements
Badge stat fightstats 1.png Recruit 10 Fights, at least 80% won fights
Badge stat fightstats 2.png Soldier 75 Fights, at least 75% won fights
Badge stat fightstats 3.png Veteran 150 Fights, at least 70% won fights
Badge stat fightstats 4.png War Hero 500 Fights, at least 65% won fights
Badge stat fightstats 5.png Champion 1000 Fights, at least 60% won fights

Best Duelists Badges

Badge Name Requirements
Badge stat bestduelist 1.png Novice Duelist Top 100th percentile
Badge stat bestduelist 2.png Intemediate Duelist Top 50th percentile
Badge stat bestduelist 3.png Advanced Duelist Top 25th percentile
Badge stat bestduelist 4.png Master Duelist Top 10th percentile
Badge stat bestduelist 5.png Champion Duelist Top 5th percentile
Badge stat bestduelist 6.png Grand Champion Duelist Top ranked duelist

Arrest Badges

Badge Name Requirements
Badge stat arrests 1.png Fledgling Bounty hunter At least one arrest
Badge stat arrests 2.png Adept Bounty hunter At least 5 arrests
Badge stat arrests 3.png Skilled Bounty hunter At least 15 arrests
Badge stat arrests 4.png Professional Bounty hunter At least 40 arrests
Badge stat arrests 5.png Master Bounty hunter At least 120 arrests

Most Honorable Badges

Badge Name Requirements
Badge stat honorablechars -5.png Dread < -240 Honor Points
Badge stat honorablechars -4.png Wicked < -120 Honor Points
Badge stat honorablechars -3.png Vile < -60 Honor Points
Badge stat honorablechars -2.png Ignoble < -30 Honor Points
Badge stat honorablechars -1.png Rude < -15 Honor Points
Badge stat honorablechars 1.png Fair > 15 Honor Points
Badge stat honorablechars 2.png Respectable > 30 Honor Points
Badge stat honorablechars 3.png Hones > 60 Honor Points
Badge stat honorablechars 4.png Admirable > 120 Honor Points
Badge stat honorablechars 5.png Glorious > 240 Honor Points

This page is under construction.

If you want to help, please: add all Badges, from example: Tutorial complete and ME Friend

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