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Communication Rules

From Medieval Europe
Revision as of 10:28, 17 December 2010 by Sunchaser (Talk | contribs)

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Communication Rules

Created on: 15th December 2010
Last modification: 15th December 2010

Di seguito i principi che regolano la comunicazione tra giocatori all' interno di Medieval Europe; sono applicabili a qualsiasi mezzo di comunicazione di Medieval Europe (messaggi ingame, post sul forum, messaggi privati ecc.). Dato che l' account nel forum è creato automaticamente, l'accettazione delle presenti regole è implicita e conseguente l' accettazione delle Condizioni d'uso.


1) Lo staff di Medieval Europe si riserva di modificare il presente regolamento. La comunità sarà avvisata per tempo delle corrispondenti modifiche.

2) The ban applied to deny access to the forum and the game will be at IP address level.

3) The punishment given will be relayed to the offence severity.

Rules and related Offence Points

1.1 . Spreading of illicit information that is harmful, considered threatening, abusive, unlawful, slanderous that defames and/or vilifies another player/user/other. Use of vulgar, obscene, damaging someone's privacy, racist behaviour, class-conscious people will not be tolerated and a ban will ensue.

Punishment: Forum ban from three day to a month

1.2 Deviations from the original subject to ruin a topic, flaming or trying to stop other users/players from chatting and posting freely.

Punishment: Forum ban from one day to a month

1.3 To resort to "private justice" to seek revenge. We therefore ask you to contact the Moderators should you have some difficulty with some member/s or some other member is being verbally abused, threatened etc..

Punishment: Forum ban from one day to a month

1.4 To distort the historical context of the game. ME a HISTORICAL GDR based on life in Europe in the year 1300s, so we recommend users to respect this and to use the Historical context guide for further reference. RP that does not conform with the Game's rules and regulations will not be tolerated. Ogni intervento come giocatore (che non sia un riferimento ad aree FP) sarà rimosso: eventuali diatribe vanno risolte privatamente. Un pg NON parla di: off topic, forum, router, connessione, IP, multiaccount, spam, flame, eradicazione, ecc.

Punishment: Forum ban from one day to a month

1.5 Faking your online ID, example: by having more characters and using them both to manipulate the communication;

Punishment: Forum ban from one day to a month/permanent. Game ban from one day to permanent ban

1.6 Manipolare il contenuto della comunicazione al fine di contraffare l'origine o il significato dello stessa.

Punishment: Forum ban from one day to a month

1.7 Posting private messages, e-mails, MSN logs, screenshots from private forums, or any kind of private conversation, without the author's permission is not allowed.

Punishment: Forum ban from one day to a month

1.8 In no way whatsoever is it permissable to discuss the activities/decisions of the moderators/directors on the public forum. To forward any complaint/s (if any) to the moderators please use the pm (private messages).

Punishment: Forum ban from one day to a month/permanent. Game ban from one day to permanent ban.

1.9 Distribution of adverts and/or advertising material, "spam" or any other programs created that disrupt or minimise the function of the software and hardware or any other third party telecommunication programs. Diffusion of any material that contains viruses or other codes, file/s or programs created to interrupt, to destroy or to limit the operation of the software, of the hardware or of the installations of other third party telecommunications.

Punishment: Forum ban from three days to a month/permanent. Game ban from three days to a month/permanent.

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