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From Medieval Europe
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Characters may get diseases. All diseases has the following characteristics:


Diseases in ME

In Medieval Europe it's possible to catch diseases. Currently three diseases can be caught:

  • Plague
  • Flu
  • Bleeding Wound

How a character can 'catch' a disease?

A character may catch a disease for a game mechanic, or from another character.

How a character can be cured from a disease?

Only a member of a Church can cure a disease, provide that the Church owns the correct Dogma Bonuses.

What happens to a character that is infected with a disease?

Every disease, after some time and until is not cured:

  • Applies effects to a character (for example, some Health Points are taken off);
  • If it's infective, tries to infect other characters.

Some disease effects cannot apply in some circumstances:

Status Apply disease effects Can be infected? Can Infect?
Character is in prison YES YES NO
Character is traveling YES NO NO
Character is being cured NO NO NO
Character is in meditation NO NO NO
Character age is <= 30 NO NO NO
Character is banned YES YES YES
Character is recovering NO YES NO
Character is at sea YES NO NO


Plague is usually started by Administration. The first outburst is reported to have happened on 19 January 1314. Guglielmo di Valenza was reported to be the infector. This can be guessed by this post.

A second infection happened in April 1316, caused by Nekro Phoro (see this post.

Plague is the worst disease you can catch, and some character deaths have been reported. When a character has got the Plague, this symbol will appears on his public profile: Plague.png

Attribute Value Description
Level 3 Disease Level (Gravity)
Diffusion 5% Percentage of characters that are in the same regions that are infected
HP malus 10 (10%) How many HP takes away at each check for infection/effect.
Checkinterval Approx 12 hours Interval for infection/effect check.
Cooldown 30 days Days that must pass before catching the disease again from when a character is cured.
Strength malus 5 Malus on str (how many points are subtracted)
Dexterity malus 5 Malus on dex (how many points are subtracted)
Intelligence malus 2 Malus on intel (how many points are subtracted)
Constitution malus 7 Malus on const (how many points are subtracted)
Charisma malus 0 Malus on carisma (how many points are subtracted)
Cured with Violet Potion


Flu it's a mild, permanent disease and will hit people that is naked on torso/body or legs, by rolling a 100 faces dice. Percentage to be infected is 20%. When a character has got the flu, this symbol will appears on his public profile: Flu.png

Flu is currently disabled and won't be enabled until 6th august 1316
Attribute Value Description
Level 1 Disease Level (Gravity)
Diffusion 10% Percentage of characters that are in the same regions that are infected
HP malus 0 How many HP takes away at each check for infection/effect.
Checkinterval Approx 12 hours Interval for infection/effect check.
Cooldown 20 days Days that must pass before catching the disease again from when a character is cured.
Strength malus 1 Malus on str (how many points are subtracted)
Dexterity malus 1 Malus on dex (how many points are subtracted)
Intelligence malus 0 Malus on intel (how many points are subtracted)
Constitution malus 0 Malus on const (how many points are subtracted)
Charisma malus 0 Malus on carisma (how many points are subtracted)
Cured with Mandragora Brew

Bleeding Wound

Bleeding Wound is not really a disease, but a consequence of a fight. When a character has a bleeding wound, this symbol will appears on his public profile: Bleedingwound.png

Attribute Value Description
Level 2 Disease Level (Gravity)
Diffusion 0 Percentage of characters that are in the same regions that are infected
HP malus 1 How many HP takes away at each check for infection/effect.
Checkinterval Approx 4 hours Interval for infection/effect check.
Cooldown Not applicable Days that must pass before catching the disease again from when a character is cured.
Strength malus 2 Malus on str (how many points are subtracted)
Dexterity malus 2 Malus on dex (how many points are subtracted)
Intelligence malus 0 Malus on intel (how many points are subtracted)
Constitution malus 1 Malus on const (how many points are subtracted)
Charisma malus 0 Malus on carisma (how many points are subtracted)
Cured with Surgical Kit





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