Communication Rules
Communication Rules
Created on: 17th December 2010
This section lists rules for communication in Medieval Europe. They are appliable to every means of communication internal to Medieval Europe or the Forum. These rules are automatically accepted with a user registration and the acceptance of Terms of Usage.
1) This document can be modified anytime by the Staff. Changes will be notified to Medieval Europe community in advance.
2) If a player is recidivous, ban can be extended to game for every offence type.
3) The ban applied to deny access to the forum and the game will be at IP address level.
4) Punishments will be published in a specific board. The punished players will have some time for put their character on freeze (meditating).
A. Posting material, language or images, inappropriate for a PG-13 rating.
B. Spreading of illicit information, language and/or image, that is harmful, considered threatening, abusive, unlawful, slanderous that defames and/or vilifies another player/user/other. Use of vulgar,obscene, damaging someone's privacy, racist behavior, class-conscious people will not be tolerated and a ban will ensue. Flame is allowed only if mild, in RP and not repeated over time.
C. Accusing another player of cheating, bug abuse, multi-account and other game infractions. For reports, please use the email in the Contact page.
D. Distribution of adverts and/or advertising material, "spam" or any other programs created that disrupt or minimize the function of the software and hardware or any other third party telecommunication programs. Diffusion of any material that contains viruses or other codes, file/s or programs created to interrupt, to destroy or to limit the operation of the software, of the hardware or of the installations of other third party telecommunications.
E. Posting links (visible or hidden) to other games or websites with material that violates Rule 1 and 2.
F. Posting a tavern conversation or external chat transcript without the consent of all participants.
G. Posting private messages, e-mails, MSN logs, screenshots from private forums, or any kind of private conversation, without the author's permission is not allowed.
H. Publishing material from private internal or external forums without the consent of the owner or administrator.
I. Deviations from the original subject to ruin a topic, flaming or trying to stop other users/players from chatting and posting freely.
J. To resort to "private justice" to seek revenge. We therefore ask you to contact the Moderators should you have some difficulty with some member/s or some other member is being verbally abused, threatened etc.
K. To distort the historical context of the game. ME is an HISTORICAL GDR based on life in Europe in the year 1300s, so we recommend users to respect this and to use the Historical context guide for further reference. RP that does not conform with the Game's rules and regulations will not be tolerated.
Medieval Europe uses an historical context striclty for gaming purposes. This means that only IG (In-Game) historical events should be considered. When roleplaying, a player should not refer to REAL historical events but only to what is happened in the game.
Whoever will roleplay on a historical event never happened in ME will be considered to make metagame/powerplay and will be punished accordngly to the published rules.
L. Faking your online ID, example: by having more characters and using them both to manipulate communication.
M. In no way whatsoever is it permissible to discuss the activities/decisions of the moderators/directors on the public forum. Slandering of Admins or staff is forbidden. To forward any complaint/s (if any) to the moderators please use the pm (private messages).
N. Spam is posting the same content in different threads. It is not tolerated on the forum under any circumstance. Users posting spam will be warned and their posts removed. Repeat offenders will be punished.
Punishment System
1 Point: Warning via PM from admin or mod
2 Points: 24 hour suspension from the forum
3 Points: 3 day suspension from the forum
4 Points: 7 to 30 day suspension from the forum
Note: It is 1 point per violation and the points are added up.
Slide-Back Rule: If a player has not violated any rules for 6 months, the player's accumulated violation points are reduced by a point.
Once a player has reached 5 or more points, the above point system no longer applies. It will be on a case to case basis type of decision by the Admin/Mod. In severe or exceptional cases, a permanent IP ban will be executed by the administration.