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Tsardom of Serbia is a country in the Balkans with 14 regions: Beograd, Split, Hum, Naissus, Zachlumia, Rashka, Vidin, Usora, Zagreb, Pecs, Somogi, Ragusa, Slavonia and Rama.
Tsardom of Serbia is a country in the Balkans with 14 regions: Beograd, Split, Hum, Naissus, Zachlumia, Rashka, Vidin, Usora, Zagreb, Pecs, Somogi, Ragusa, Slavonia and Rama.
[[Category: Kingdom]]

Revision as of 11:20, 25 October 2015

Tsardom of Serbia is a country in the Balkans with 14 regions: Beograd, Split, Hum, Naissus, Zachlumia, Rashka, Vidin, Usora, Zagreb, Pecs, Somogi, Ragusa, Slavonia and Rama.

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