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From Medieval Europe
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NPC stands for Non-player character, which are inhabitants of the world that are not controlled directly by players. Usually in role-playing games NPCs are fictional characters that belong to a plausible social group around a PC (Player Character), like family members, friends, servants, guards, etc.

With game update release 2.8.9 another type of NPC was first introduced. These are creatures who are not controlled by any player, but follow a coded behavior automatically.

NPCs travel the world like PCs and they interact with it to a limited extend, that is not fully disclosed by the game admins.

Small Rats

Contrary to popular belief, so far they are harmless

Health Strength Dexterity Intelligence Constitution Charisma Respawn Attackable Maximum amount
15 2 10 10 1 1 24 hours yes 10% of PCs
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