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From Medieval Europe
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Characters may get diseases. All diseases has the following characteristics:

Attribute Description
Level Disease Level (Gravity)
Diffusion Percentage of characters in the same region that will be infected
HP malus How many HP takes away at each check for infection/effect.
Check interval Interval for infection/effect check.
Strength malus Malus on str (how many points are subtracted)
Dexterity malus Malus on dex (how many points are subtracted)
Intelligence malus Malus on intel (how many points are subtracted)
Constitution malus Malus on const (how many points are subtracted)
Carmalus Malus on carisma (how many points are subtracted)

How a character is infected?

A character may be infected by a game mechanics or another character, or eventually a NPC.

What happens to a character that is infected with a disease?

When is the time to complete the cyclic action:

  • The effects are applied (for example the HP Malus, -5 HP are taken off).
  • A percentage (diffusion) of players in the same region are infected
  • The action reschedules itself accordingly to the parameter checkinterval plus a random value
  • Character is warned (example:You suddenly feel sick and vomit. And what are those strange bluish pimples on your arm? ( x HPs lost).

The following effects applies:

Status Apply disease effects Can be infected? Can Infect?
Character is in prison YES YES NO
Character is moving YES NO NO
Character is being cured NO NO NO
Character is in meditation NO NO NO
Character age is <= 60 NO NO NO
Character is banned YES YES YES
Character is recovering NO YES NO
Character is healthy and had the disease less than 15 days ago N.A. NO N.A.

The Plague

The first outburst is reported to have happened on 19 January 1314. Guglielmo di Valenza is suspected to be the infector. This can be guessed by this post appeared on 20 January 1414

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