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Difference between revisions of "Automated Rest Bonus"

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   If none of the previous options are valid, the character will not be able to sleep.
   If none of the previous options are valid, the character will not be able to sleep.
[[Category:General Information]]
[[Category:General Information]][[Category: Paid Bonuses]][[Category: InGame links]]

Latest revision as of 13:13, 30 October 2016


[edit] Description

The Automated Rest bonus will make the character, when offline and after completing an action:

  1. Eat food until the maximum glut points specified by player has been reached;
  2. Rest after an action is finished accordingly to some conditions and rules.

[edit] Conditions

  1. The Player must be offline;
  2. The Player must not have disabled the automatism in his Account Panel;
  3. The Player must logout from game by pressing Logout.
Option Disabled in Account Panel Character Offline Character will feed and rest automaticly?
Yes Yes No
Yes No No
No Yes Yes
No No No

[edit] Disabling the automated rest option

The player can disable the automated rest option in the User Account Panel:


[edit] Eating food

Before resting, the character will eat automaticly some food to maximize rest. The Player can specify in the User Account Panel the Maximum Glut Points he wants to recuperate, therefore if the player specify 1 point, no food will be eaten.

The food will be sorted for Glut Points contribution in descending order. The food will be consumed until the food Glut Points contribution is < than the Maximum Glut Points specified in the User Account Panel or the food is finished.

The following categories of food will be eaten if in the character inventory:

[edit] Sleeping

Once fed, the character will be put to sleep if the condition listed above are satisfied. The character will try to sleep with the following priorities:

  Note: Conditions are checked starting from 1 to 5. If a condition is not fulfilled, the next one will be checked.
  1. If the character has a role and owns a government/religious structure, he will sleep in his controlled structure;
  2. If the character has a house, he will sleep in it;
  3. If the character has a supercart, he will sleep in the cart;
  4. If a tavern exists, the character will rest in the tavern for FREE;
  5. If the player is in a independent region the character will rest in the native village.
  If none of the previous options are valid, the character will not be able to sleep.
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