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A character has five main Attributes, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Charisma.



Strength represents the physical attributes of a character. Characters with high strength will be able to endure more physically daunting tasks with ease.

  • Strength is useful in combat
  • Strength affects carrying capacity
  • Strength affects elapsed time for completing some actions (example: Cleaning prisons, Dig, Cutting wood etc)
  • Strength affects the number of some items collected or produced
  • Some equipments needs a certain Strength to be equipped

Strenght can be raised by [[en_US_Studying|Studying] at the Training Grounds


  • Dexterity is useful in combat
  • Dexterity affects elapsed time for some actions (example: Butchering, Feed animals etc)
  • Dexterity affects how much a tool is consumed
  • Dexterity affects the number of some items collected or produced


Constitution is the physical makeup of a person. A person may be of strong or weak constitution

  • Constitution affects the speed of recovery in case of injuries. For more details, please look Recovering
  • Constitution affects resting time speed


Intelligence is the mental ability to learn and to apply the knowledge to easily adapt to new environments.

  • Intelligence is useful in combat
  • Intelligence affects elapsed time for crafting items and other actions (Investigate, Search plants etc)
  • Intelligence affects the chance to find something in the dump
  • A certain level of intelligence is required in order to attain some roles.
  • Intelligence affects the number of some items collected or produced
  • A certain level of intelligence is required to evaluate the dimension of a resource or how resource depletion level


Charisma is a personal and rare quality, a personal magnetic characteristic that can positively influence the connection with other persons. Charisma can be affected in a positive or negative way from what is worn. For more details see Carisma Modifiers.

  • A certain carisma level is required to attain a role
  • Carisma affects selling and buying prices of houses, shops, terrains etc.
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